The Mystery of AI and Hands: Why It’s So Hard to Generate Them?

3 min readApr 24, 2023

Have you ever wondered why AI struggles with generating realistic hands? It’s not as easy as you might think.

AI generated image
Source Bing AI

Although AI can generate realistic faces and objects, it struggles with generating realistic hands due to the complexity of their shapes and movements. Despite this challenge, recent advancements in AI technology have created deep fakes that can be remarkably realistic, even incorporating realistic-looking hands.

Photo by I.am_nah on Unsplash (The complexity of hands | Deep fake of The Pope

For example, you may have seen the deep fake of the pope wearing a Balenciaga trench suit, which looks so realistic that it can be difficult to distinguish from a real photograph. While generating realistic hands remains a significant hurdle for AI, the progress made in creating deep fakes suggests that we may see significant improvements in the technology’s ability to simulate complex human anatomy.

Why are faces and objects more realistic?

Visual representation of how AI captures faces and objects

