The Undivided World of Photography — DSLR + Mobile photography + Film photography.

Wachararwish Mu
2 min readMay 1, 2015


Credit Photo : Please Focus Exhibition, Bangkok Thailand.

The term ‘Photography’ is derived from two words — Photo and Graphy. ‘Photo’ means light and ‘Graphy’ means writing. Combining these 2 words into one is ‘Photography’ which can be interpreted as ‘Written by Light.

In my world of photography, nowadays , DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflect — the well known platform of photography which is recognized the most versatiled method of photography — is not the only form of creating photography works. In contrary, back to 20 years ago or much more, Film photography is still the popular way to record the events in pictures. In present time Mobile photography, thanks to emerging and developing of mobile technology, mobile photography , aka ‘Phoneography’, is the new hope of howto create photography in the shortest time and most convenient way. It can be shared to your social circles with one click.

As the photographer who involves so many years in these 3 worlds of photography, my intention is to combine these into one side by side. With the understanding of pros and cons, the techniques of these things, I think they can enable you to explore and utilize as the new way to create your own arts of photography.

Please follow me in the upcoming articles.

