4 ways to fix wall cracks permanently

Waco Foundation Repair
3 min readMay 7, 2020

Discovered the dream property in the dream location but your building contractor has flagged some cracks in the walls? A portion of the splits in the wall at building assessment might be recognized as pointers of genuine and suggestive auxiliary disappointment. So according to foundation repair contractors Cracks in walls are unsightly, but they can also be an indicator of serious structural problems afoot in a home. If your home was recently built, cracks in walls could be the result of “new home” settling. New wood, sometimes called “greenwood,” contains a high level of moisture and tends to move slightly as it dries out, so small wall cracks are common in newly built homes.

Simple tools and materials will help you make a smooth wall. You can also use this method for Pier and beam foundation repair. So here are the five ways to fix your wall cracks permanently

Fixing Drywall

First and the most common step to fixing the drywall cracks is to use a utility blade to cut a 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch V-notch along the length of the crack. Vacuum out extra material. Make a thin paste of compound and cover the crack compound and paper tape, extend the compound 2 inches on each side of the tape. Allow to dry. If needed apply a second coat of joint compound. Allow to dry overnight. Make your wall smooth. The wall is ready for paint or wallpaper.

Plaster Wall Patching

This is my foundation repair warranty that you will get good result. Use joint compound on minor cracks in plaster. On the off chance that the mortar is pulling ceaselessly from the slat, you first need to support the divider with a two-advance procedure that incorporates a conditioner shower followed by cement. Start by drilling holes a little bit that will penetrate the plaster but not the wood lath, every three inches along the length of the crack. Vacuum the leftover dust in holes. Beginning at the lowest point of the wall Inject the adhesive into each hole. Clean up extra adhesive from the hole with the help of a cloth. Make your wall smooth and wait until it gets dry.

Concrete Walls

We can use patching products, such as hydraulic cement to fill cracks in concrete walls. Another way to fill the crack is using Liquid Concrete Repair Kit also called an epoxy injection kit. Before using this kit scrub the affected area then use Use a Nail to Align Injection Points. Spread the mixture carefully. Mix up a slightly larger batch of epoxy sealer and apply it to the entire crack with a putty knife. Let it be dry then cut the necks of the ports.

Repairing Deep Cracks

On the off chance that splits in drywall or mortar are more profound than a 1/4 inch, you will have better achievement on the off chance that you first fill the hole with a filler compound before taping with joint compound. Blend the compound according to the maker’s guidelines. Fill the break until it is flush with the current divider. Spread with tape and joint compound, as delineated beforehand, to accomplish a smooth divider.

If you need any help regarding your home Contact Waco foundation repair. We provide new standards of excellence in foundation repair at a great value.



Waco Foundation Repair

Waco Foundation repair company is a family-owned and operated business that has specialized in foundation repair in the Waco area since 1987.