Is Notepad++ Available For Mac?

Allen Wade
10 min readJan 21, 2024


Is Notepad++ Available For Mac? Most Windows users choose Notepad++ as their text editor. It can do a lot of different things and has a lot to give. Starting with a GUI that can be changed, syntax highlighting and folding, and functions like multiple documents, multiple views, and playback. The only trouble is that it doesn’t work on macOS.

But don’t worry. There are a number of text editors for macOS that have the same amount of flexibility as Notepad++. Some might be even better.

Many people have switched from Windows to macOS, and for most of them, it wasn’t easy. But after some time, you’ll come to love it. So, if you want to be in the same boat and are worried that you won’t be able to find a free text editor like Notepad++, don’t be. With the best Notepad++ alternatives for macOS, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!

List of the Best Mac OS X Alternatives to Notepad++

The list of best alternatives is Notepad ++ available for Mac:

1. Atom

Atom’s design is clean, colorful, and easy to use. It’s interesting that 60% of writers around the world have used Atom for two years in a row (2018–2019). Popularity-wise, it’s almost the same as Notepad++.

Atom is an open-source program, which means that you can change it in any way you want. There are four themes already loaded, and you can also download syntax themes to change the look of the interface and make it look more professional.

It is made with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js, and it runs on Electron. You can add extra features to a text editor like Git conflict management, Stack Overflow search, window control, project management, etc.

The GitHub team will also give you good help and regular changes, which is great. You can get Atom for free!


  • Atom has built-in support for HiDPI and almost no scaling problems.
  • The code is free, written in C++, and can be easily hacked.
  • A big list of packages and the person in charge of them.


  • High use of memory and slow start-up.
  • A little slow with big text files.

Why Go with Atom?

Atom is a free alternative to Notepad++ that lets you hack its core to make changes. It has all the tools you need, and the package manager is built in, which makes web development very easy.

2. Textastic

Textastic is a good alternative if you don’t mind spending a few dollars. It’s a powerful text editor made just for macOS, and it’s probably the cheapest of the ones that cost money.

Textastic works with more than 80 source code and markup languages. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C, and Objective-C can all be auto-completed. It is very fast because it uses native macOS APIs like Core Text to improve speed.

Sextastic’s support for iCloud sharing is another thing that makes it stand out. No longer do you have to think about your data? Textastic also works on iOS, so you can get to your work on more than one device without having to do anything extra. Every high-end feature you could want is right here.


  • Support for a large number of source codes (over 80) and markup languages.
  • It’s easy to use and can handle large texts quickly.
  • Online sync with iCloud.


  • Python and SSH don’t work in the shell.

Why Should I Pick Textastic?

A high-quality replacement that is meant to be simple and easy to use. Yes, it can be used for power editing. However, if you’re not very tech-savvy, Textastic can be a great tool for you. It will be very easy to start. It will save you a lot of time and make you much less likely to make mistakes.

3. Brackets

Did you know that Adobe has a text editor that works on both Windows and macOS? Well, Brackets is a useful text editor that is free, has a lot of features, and is easy to use.

On top of that, Adobe adds new features and extensions to its software every week to make it more useful. Isn’t that pretty cool? There are some useful features, such as quick search, support for CSS and JS Hints, and thousands of themes that can be changed.

Programmers like brackets because they use them a lot for Git merging. This is because brackets have a built-in feature that makes things easier. It has a feature called Extract that is pretty cool and worth noting.

It can take all the necessary information from a PSD file, like the texture, font, color, and measurements, and turn it into clean CSS on its own. When you want to turn a Photoshop document into a website, this can save you a lot of time and trouble.


  • Live sample to see the changes you make in real-time.
  • Adding a code tip to Photoshop.
  • Worth it to sign up.


  • It takes some time to get started.
  • The live demo sometimes causes the whole program to crash.

Why Do You Want Brackets?

The best choice for changing on the front end. The real-time image is very helpful, and the fact that it works with Adobe Photoshop makes it better for design development tasks.

4. Sublime Text

A text editor with a lot of options can make coding and building websites easy for you. Sublime Text has a clean user interface and a lot of functions.

You get everything you need from a text editor, plus Goto Anything, which lets you start a file without having to type its full name. There is support for the Python API, so you can add tools and make it do more.

Sublime Text works with all three systems and is fast and responsive. This text editor is easy for everyone to use because it has features like the command palette, instant file switch, and split editing.

Most of the time, Sublime Text is free to use. You can buy a pass, though, if you’re ready to settle down with it.


  • Quick to start up and code.
  • Functions that are easy to add to.
  • Support for all platforms all the time.
  • It is small but has a lot of IDE tools.


  • Privately owned code. No freedom to change things.
  • Not having the handy menu.

Why Would You Pick Sublime Text?

If you want to code faster, Sublime Text is your best choice. The app starts right away, searches quickly, and can be used with a lot of extra features.

5. SlickEdit

SlickEdit is a powerful editor that lets you handle various files, projects, symbols, and classes. It works well with a lot of computer languages. With SlickEdit, it’s easy to fix bugs and build files. With just one click on the mistake, you can find out where it is.

SlickEdit is an expensive text editor with a lot of great tools. It works on more than 60 major languages and nine different devices.

Notepad++ also has an easy-to-use function called automatic indentation that is used a lot. SlickEdit is not free, though.


  • Strong source code and changing in more than one language
  • It lets you make your own script commands, functions, and dialog boxes.
  • Supports XCode projects, analyzes symbols, and makes Visual Studio easy to get to.


  • No command-line options; only visual ones.
  • Having trouble with bigger jobs.

Why Should I Pick SlickEdit?

Designed for coders who work hard. A real cross-platform, multi-language editor also has a source code and text editor that has won awards and has a large set of tools for writing code and programming features that save power.

6. BBEdit

BBEdit has been around since 1992, which is more than enough time to make sure it works well and is reliable. It is one of the best HTML and text tools and has a lot of features built-in.

Starting with text manipulation, Hard Wrap, and a full set of HTML tools like convenient markup, multiple file manipulation, and placeholder choices to help with site maintenance.

For more than 20 built-in languages, you can change how the structure is colored.

This flexible text editor used to cost money, but now you can use it for free in some ways. With the free version, you can do everything you need to do.

But if you want to use it without any limits, you can subscribe to a pro plan.


  • Formatting of a lot of text and source code.
  • Performance that is stable, steady, and strong.
  • It’s easy to set up automated jobs because it’s very flexible.


  • No straight look at the window.
  • A bit expensive.

Why Should I Use BBEdit?

The best thing about BBEdit is that it doesn’t have many things that can get in the way. BBEdit won’t let you down if you’re ready to pay for a text editor and expect it to work well. With BBEdit, it’s all about speed and being able to change things.

7. Editing text with MacVim

MacVim is one of Notepad++’s closest rivals on macOS, and many programmers like it more. All smartphones, including Android and iOS, can use it. The user experience is beautiful to look at. It has a full-screen view and works with the ODB editor. It also has a transparent background.

MacVim has all of the unique features of Vim, a very powerful text editor for Unix. It is just as powerful and flexible, and there is a large online group to help you with any questions you might have.

You can choose from thousands of apps, and the best part is that they all work perfectly with MacVim. Not a good choice for a beginner, but a great choice for someone with experience. With MacVim, you can get all the high-end tools for free.


  • MacVim works with all of the tools that are available for Vim.
  • Huge help from the community.
  • Vimtutor, OS X input methods, and Multi-byte support are all useful tools.


  • When you open a file with a lot of long lines, it can take up to a minute.

Why Should You Pick MacVim Text Editor?

MacVim is the best choice if you want a friendly interface that looks like a Mac and has good window control. It has all the tools you need and a lot of ways to change things to make coding much easier for you.

8. jEdit

Millions of people all over the world use jEdit, which is a trusted text editor. It works well on macOS, has a dynamic user interface, and has a lot of useful features. Java was used to make jEdit, which is open-source software. When it comes to coding, it is much easier to use than most text tools.

This one lets you use macro language, and you can add tools to make it do more. There are 200 languages that can be used with jEdit, which is great for coding work. Syntax highlighting is helpful because it cuts down on development time and makes it harder to make mistakes in the code.

Character decoding is one reason why so many people like jEdit. You get a lot of that for free!


  • Over 150 language modes can be used with syntax highlighting.
  • It’s free to use for business, and it’s very flexible.
  • Extensive support for plugins.


  • Dependable on Java.
  • There is no direct help for the author.

Why Pick jEdit?

Another free alternative that gives you the freedom to make the app work the way you want. If you don’t have any trouble with Java, you’ll find that jEdit’s powerful ability to add tools can make it more than useful for you.

9. Visual Studio Code

Microsoft has a different text tool that you can use instead. Visual Studio Code is a free text editor that works well with many different programs. With VSCode, building websites is a lot of fun.

It works with 30 major languages and many other modern web languages, which makes your job as a developer much easier.

There are also tools like automatic API description in real time, linting, regex support, and Git control debugging. It also lets you use IDE, which is a nice choice for making things easy to use.

By debugging, you also get syntax highlighting and the removal of bugs, which is helpful for writers. The most interesting parts of Visual Studio Code are the code editor and the tools for visual programming. It also doesn’t take up a lot of room.


  • Git and the Console Terminal work well together.
  • Highlighting of syntax for all of the major languages.
  • Very strong support for the community.


Uses a lot of batteries

Heavy app; low specs may slow it down PC

Why Should You Pick Visual Studio Code?

A text writer that works well for everyday tasks. It is a very fast source code editor with a lot of tools that make it easy to write.

10. Coda 2

Coda 2 is mostly for coders and programmers, and it has a lot of helpful tools that make coding a lot easier. Now, it’s easy to switch between different code files while you’re working on one. It has tabs that you can see and syntax coloring, which makes the layout look quite nice.

There are a number of add-ons that improve productivity and the software’s level of performance.

This open-source text writer works quickly and gets the job done. Also, the automation function is very helpful. The work on development is done quickly, and the auto-completion tool for method, function, and variable names makes the user’s experience better overall.

You’ll also have a lot of choices for plug-ins. Coda 2 makes it easy to share and keep track of files that have been changed.


  • A live side-by-side preview and a handy mobile preview are both available.
  • Built-in send file transfer.
  • All in one place: table and working surface.


  • Integrations with third parties are not very useful.
  • Has a steep learning curve.

Why Do You Want Coda 2?

One of the best text tools that has everything you need all in one place. The new source code tool is very powerful, and if you know how to use Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet, you’ll find it easy to get started.

The End Result

Is Notepad ++ available foe Mac: Need to find a good alternative to Notepad++ for Mac? There are several free alternatives that have useful functions and can be used in different ways. Take the case of Atom. It is the best alternative to Notepad++, and it does everything that Notepad++ does.

On the other hand, BBEdit is great if you want to use it for business and pay for it. On our list, Brackets is a front-end tool that can do a lot of different things.

In the end, you have to decide based on your own needs. Don’t try out everyone because it will take a lot of time and energy. Read the reviews, look at the pros and cons, compare, and then narrow your choices down to just two or three. Test them out and choose the best one.

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