Are You Willing to Invest in Yourself?

Wade Smith
3 min readSep 13, 2018

Today I’m going to hurt some peoples’ feelings. We are going to leave the gym and the workout analogies as background noise and be upfront. The average person is not willing to invest in their self. Go up to someone and offer them an average version of something that will better them for free, or let them pay to get the real deal with better results. The average person is going to take the free version. That is why most people can’t finish. It is harder to quit when you have invested yourself fully into something. A free version has no investment. You go and make sacrifices. You go and invest your money. You go and invest your time. And then tell me you want to quit on something. It makes it a lot harder to give up on something you’ve paid money for. A person with the free version can quit without any thought. A person that hasn’t made any sacrifices will quit. The person that hasn’t invested their own money will quit. Why? Because whatever it is has no worth. Investment creates worth. I will say it again. Investment creates worth. The average person is lazy and will quit without investing anything for something they “want”. There is no investment. So, even though they want it, it still has no worth. There is the quote that says, “show me a great man, that is the son of a great man.” Some people invest themselves into everything they do because that is all they know. While some skate through life passing opportunity to opportunity without having to invest much. Kids these days that have grown up with everything at their fingertips, and served opportunities on a platter are doomed. Because they have never known what it is like to invest everything you have on something. They would rather spend their money on a new IPhone, than a book that is going to help them become a better person. That is why people have their phones attached to their hip these days. They’ve invested $1,000 in it! Instead of getting a new IPhone, invest in a self development program. Or spend your money to travel and experience new things. See the worth investment creates. It is a mindset that each opportunity could be the last. It is that each opportunity gives you a chance to invest in yourself.

Every man or woman must search their own soul and decide what you want to represent. You have to decide where your investment goes. You also need to remember that small things build your foundation. You can’t slack on your mindset. Perspective drives performance. People want to show up and play the big game without any investment in the foundation. But the ones who invest their all in the foundation, are going to be able to invest more in the game. Because the game is worth more to them. They’ve invested too much to not win. There is no quit in them because they really want it. They don’t kind of want it. There are no other options, because what they have put in is all they have. Don’t take the free version people. Make the investment and see how your effort change. See where your results go and how your mindset changes.



Wade Smith

I have a blog made to motivate and educate. I am an online fitness coach and model, just looking to help everyone become better. Https://