My Top 5 Exercises and Why

Wade Smith
3 min readOct 3, 2018


I am going to start this post by saying that if you are planning to go to the gym have a game plan. I see too many people come into the gym and wander around jumping around from machine to machine. You need to know what you are doing. If you don’t know what you are doing, find a trainer and ask. Not only are you not going to get any results wandering around, but you are just getting into other peoples’ way. Most importantly, you are annoying me.

(Stepping down from my soap box) The topic today is my top 5 exercises you should be doing and why. This isn’t my 5 favorite exercises at all. Honestly, the best exercises for you are probably going to be your least favorite. You gotta do what you gotta do.


The king of all exercises. Also, most people’s least favorite movement. The squat is a compound movement that basically incorporates every muscle in your body. It is the best way to build your quads and glutes, which are two of the biggest muscles in your body. Ladies, squats are what you need to do to grow your ass. Those kickbacks with bands you see these Instagram models doing are not going to do much. SQUAT!


Deadlift is my least favorite exercise BY FAR. I have a bad back and bad knees so that may also be why. Either way, I do it because it is the best way to build up your back. Form is very important with this movement. Not that it isn’t important with all exercises, but deadlift in particular because it can easily result in injury if you do not do it correctly. I suggest to always warm up with a different exercise before, and start light to get your form down.

Incline Bench Press

I put the incline bench press over flat bench press because the upper chest is largely neglected. The chest is split into lower pectoral, middle pectoral, and upper pectoral. The lower and middle get worked in most routines pretty easily. You really have to focus to work your upper chest. The incline bench press gets the upper pec fired up, then I would move on to some kind of incline fly motion.

Bar Dips

A compound exercise that most people seem to have abandoned these days. The main stress will be on the triceps in this movement. However, the chest and shoulders are also used. Small tweaks can put more into the chest and shoulders. A good forward lean keeping your chin down is what I use to really hit my inner chest at the end of my workouts.

Wide Grip Pull-ups

Another exercise I feel most people have forgotten about these days. Performed PROPERLY this is great for getting a wide back. The movement should be done slow and controlled. No swinging your legs to make it easier. No wiggling to try and rock yourself up. Slowly pull yourself up with lats fully contracted at the top and stretched at the bottom. Try not to rest at the bottom, but keep tension throughout the entire movement.

There you have it! Now, you can’t just go into the gym and do these everyday and expect to turn into Mr. Olympia. These should be foundational exercises that you form workouts around. If you don’t have them in already, try them out and let me know what you think.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below and share!

Originally published at on October 3, 2018.



Wade Smith

I have a blog made to motivate and educate. I am an online fitness coach and model, just looking to help everyone become better. Https://