Harnessing ‘Power vs. Force’: Applying its Principles for a More Fulfilling Life

Wael Alwazir
4 min readSep 24, 2023

In the realm of self-help literature, “Power vs. Force” by Dr. David R. Hawkins stands as a beacon of insight, offering profound principles that can guide us toward a more fulfilling and enlightened life. Published in 1995, this book delves into the intricate dynamics of human consciousness, providing a valuable roadmap for personal growth and self-discovery. In this article, we’ll explore the key principles of “Power vs. Force” and how we can apply them to enhance our lives.

Understanding the Map of Consciousness

At the heart of “Power vs. Force” is the Map of Consciousness, a conceptual framework that categorizes human emotions and levels of consciousness into a hierarchical scale. Dr. Hawkins asserts that different emotional states are associated with specific levels of consciousness. Higher levels of consciousness are marked by positive emotions like love, joy, and peace, while lower levels are characterized by negativity, fear, and anger.

The critical insight here is that our emotional state profoundly influences our experiences and interactions with the world. By becoming aware of our emotional state, we can consciously choose to shift to higher levels of consciousness, thereby attracting more positivity and fulfillment into our lives.



Wael Alwazir

I am an experienced copywriter with over 10 years of experience across various platforms. I have written content for a wide range of industries.