Wafini: Community Update #2

3 min readSep 20, 2022


Hello Wafini Community.

welcome to a new episode of the Community update where we share some of the progress we have made and what we plan to launch over the coming months.

It has been an exciting journey for us so far and we hope same for you guys as we progress into the new stages of development.

This month has been full of exciting news on the crypto space as many chains including Cardano has upgraded or expecting to launch an upgrade on their network.

We know you are eagerly waiting for the Wafini NFT Marketplace testnet, but as we explained on the last Technical update where we mentioned the challenges we encountered on the testnet while testing , majorly to the fact that the testnet was “broken”, but all these are expected when building on a novel blockchain like Cardano but the good news is that these will be fixed with the coming Cardano Vasil Hard Fork upgrade.

We believe the wait is worth it because significant progress have been made. Most importantly, our recent progress should be considered as cornerstones, they lay strong foundations for Wafini’s long term success. Building strong foundations is of utmost importance for any ambitious early stage project and yet very often overlooked. Once the Vasil Hard Fork is fully implemented and running, the team will accelerate the project execution in an optimal environment.

UI Design Development

The UI design and framework of the Wafini NFT Marketplace is currently ongoing, we are working on a design that will capture and intrigue the user once logged in on the platform.

We are working on a responsive and intuitive focused on a flexible user journey mapping, centred around absolute minimalistic design which makes sure that the NFT Marketplace is not only pleasing to the eye but also easy to navigate around.

August Progress

  • Wafini & DripADA 500,000 WFI giveaway contest
  • Team Introduction (Project Manager)
  • Partnership Announcement (Meldstone Capital)

This wasn’t supposed to be a long update, however, we feel we owe it to our community to be as transparent as possible as we work hard to deliver on our mission of delivering an exciting new NFT Marketplace on the Cardano Blockchain. We will also like to remind the Wafini community to remind to only trust resources and information from our website, official Github, official Twitter account, and this Medium account.

The Road Ahead

The Wafini UI development is coming along smoothly as we are set to finish up the smart contract for the Wafini NFT Marketplace, we will keep the community updated on development as we progress.

About Wafini

With the growing span of technology, more and more new technology-based applications are emerging every single day, Wafini aims to be the biggest NFT Marketplace on the Cardano Blockchain with a massive digital pool of art collections, in-game assets and collectibles where users can buy, sell, swap and create Non Fungible Tokens or any digital assets.

The team will constantly remain innovative in its mission to provide solutions to take the NFT ecosystem to the next level.

Connect With Wafini

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Wafini is Building The Biggest NFT Marketplace on The Cardano Blockchain