Kalaripayattu: The Ancient Martial Art of Kerala

2 min readSep 3, 2023


Kalaripayattu is a traditional martial art form that originated in the southern Indian state of Kerala. With a history spanning over centuries, it is considered one of the oldest fighting systems in existence. Kalaripayattu combines physical training, combat techniques, and an understanding of body dynamics, making it not only a formidable self-defense practice but also an art form that reflects the culture and heritage of Kerala.

The name “Kalaripayattu” is derived from the Malayalam words “Kalari” meaning battlefield or training ground, and “Payattu” meaning fight or practice. The practice involves a holistic approach to physical and mental training, with a focus on building strength, flexibility, stamina, and agility. Practitioners, known as “Kalari Warriors,” undergo rigorous training routines that include exercises, stances, strikes, kicks, grappling, weaponry, and healing techniques.

Kalaripayattu is distinctive for its unique combination of fluid movements, animal-inspired forms, and intricate techniques. The art is categorized into various stages, starting from the basic exercises and progressing to more advanced combat strategies. One of the most intriguing aspects of Kalaripayattu is its emphasis on the connection between the body and mind, with practitioners using breath control and meditation to enhance their abilities.

Weapons play a significant role in Kalaripayattu. A wide range of traditional weapons, such as swords, daggers, spears, staffs, and flexible weapons like the urumi, are taught as part of the curriculum. Each weapon has its own set of techniques and forms, contributing to the versatility and effectiveness of the art.

In addition to its martial aspects, Kalaripayattu also encompasses a comprehensive system of traditional medicine and healing known as “Kalari Chikitsa.” This system is based on the understanding of vital points (marma) in the human body, and it involves massages, herbal treatments, and therapeutic exercises to promote physical well-being and recovery from injuries.

Over the years, Kalaripayattu has gained recognition not only in India but also internationally. It has become a popular form of fitness training and cultural exploration for people from various backgrounds. Performances and demonstrations of Kalaripayattu often showcase the intricate movements, choreographed fights, and vibrant costumes that make it an engaging spectacle.

Kalaripayattu stands as a testament to the rich heritage and ancient wisdom of Kerala. Its fusion of physical prowess, artistic expression, and holistic health practices continues to captivate and inspire people worldwide, ensuring that this traditional martial art remains a cherished part of India’s cultural legacy.

