The Enigmatic and Terrifying Hoia-Baciu Forest: Romania’s Scariest Place

3 min readSep 18, 2023


Hoia-Baciu Forest

One of the world’s most haunted and mysterious locations: the Hoia-Baciu Forest. Located near the city of Cluj-Napoca, this dense and eerie woodland has captured the imaginations of locals and paranormal enthusiasts alike for decades. Often referred to as the “Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania,” the Hoia-Baciu Forest is a place where fact and folklore blend together to create an atmosphere of dread and fascination.

A Dark History

The Hoia-Baciu Forest has a history steeped in darkness and superstition. It is named after a shepherd, Baciu, who disappeared along with his flock of 200 sheep in the forest in the 1920s, never to be seen again. Locals claim that Baciu entered a portal to another dimension, becoming one of the many victims of the forest’s inexplicable phenomena.

The Haunted Clearing

One of the most chilling spots within the Hoia-Baciu Forest is the “Haunted Clearing.” This is an area where no vegetation grows, and it is said to be a gathering place for supernatural entities. Witnesses have reported encountering shadowy figures, disembodied voices, and the feeling of being watched in this eerie location.

The Hoia-Baciu Forest in Pop Culture

The Hoia-Baciu Forest has captured the attention of filmmakers, writers, and paranormal investigators from around the world. It has been featured in numerous documentaries and television programs, exploring its mysteries and the stories of those who have dared to enter its depths. It has also served as the inspiration for horror stories and movies, further cementing its reputation as a place of fear and fascination.

Scientific Investigations

Despite its paranormal reputation, the Hoia-Baciu Forest has also attracted scientific interest. Researchers have conducted various studies to explain the strange phenomena reported in the area. Some theories point to geological anomalies and magnetic fields, while others suggest that the forest’s unique flora and fauna might be responsible for the eerie experiences.

Mysterious Lights

Strange orbs of light, often referred to as “ghost lights” or “UFOs,” have been seen hovering among the trees, sometimes even forming geometric patterns in the night sky.


Many visitors have reported feeling disoriented and experiencing a distorted sense of time and space while inside the forest. Some claim that they have lost hours within its confines.

Unexplained Disappearances

Aside from the story of shepherd Baciu, other stories tell of people getting lost within the forest, only to reappear days later with no memory of their time inside.

The Hoia-Baciu Forest stands as a place where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs. Its dark history, bizarre phenomena, and eerie reputation continue to draw curious travelers and paranormal enthusiasts. Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, there’s no denying that the Hoia-Baciu Forest is a place that exudes an atmosphere of mystery and fear, making it Romania’s scariest and most enigmatic location.

