The Ha’iku Stairs: A Stairway to Heaven on Oahu, Hawaii

2 min readSep 19, 2023


Hidden deep within the lush Hawaiian rainforest on the island of Oahu lies a staircase that seems to lead to the heavens themselves. The Ha’iku Stairs, also known as the Stairway to Heaven, is a breathtaking hike that has captivated adventurers and nature enthusiasts for decades.

The History of Ha’iku Stairs

The origins of the Ha’iku Stairs date back to World War II when the United States Navy constructed a series of wooden steps to access a top-secret radio station on Oahu’s Pu’u Keahiakahoe summit. These stairs, often referred to as the “Ha’iku Ladder,” allowed personnel to access the station and maintain communication during the war.

After the war, the stairway became a popular hiking destination due to its stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Over the years, the wooden steps were replaced with metal ones, and it evolved into one of Hawaii’s most sought-after hikes.

The Reward: Breathtaking Views

For those who brave the challenges and successfully reach the summit, the reward is a breathtaking view of Oahu’s natural beauty. From the top, you can see the vibrant green valleys, the Pacific Ocean stretching as far as the eye can see, and the city of Honolulu in the distance. Sunrise and sunset views from the Ha’iku Stairs are particularly spectacular, making the effort truly worthwhile.

Challenges of the Hike

While the Ha’iku Stairs offer breathtaking views, embarking on this adventure is not for the faint of heart. Here are some of the challenges you’ll encounter:

Legality: One of the most significant challenges associated with the Ha’iku Stairs hike is its legal status. In 1987, the stairs were closed to the public due to safety concerns. Despite the closure, many hikers still attempt the trail, and trespassing can result in fines and legal consequences.

Steep Ascent: The hike is not for beginners. It consists of nearly 4,000 steep metal steps that climb up the ridge of the Ko’olau Mountains. The ascent is physically demanding and requires a good level of fitness.

Weather Conditions: Hawaii’s tropical climate can be unpredictable. Rainfall can make the stairs slippery and dangerous, while strong winds can make the hike even more challenging.

The Ha’iku Stairs, the Stairway to Heaven, is a remarkable hike that offers unparalleled views of Oahu’s stunning landscapes. However, it comes with its fair share of challenges, both legal and physical. While the debate over its future continues, it’s essential for all hikers to prioritize safety, respect the environment, and follow local regulations. Whether you’re an adventurous soul seeking a once-in-a-lifetime experience or simply a nature lover, the Ha’iku Stairs remains a tantalizing destination that embodies the allure of the Hawaiian islands.

