Why You Shouldn’t Toss Your Orange Peels: Surprising Benefits and Uses

3 min readOct 18, 2023


Once you’ve enjoyed the sweet, tangy flesh of an orange, you’re often left with a vibrant, aromatic peel that is often overlooked and tossed away. However, there are numerous creative and practical ways to make the most of your orange peels, reducing waste and discovering the hidden potential they hold. Here are some ideas for repurposing orange peels:

Homemade Zest: Orange zest is a flavorful addition to a wide range of dishes, from baked goods to savory dishes. Simply grate the orange peel to create zest, which can be stored in your freezer for future use. It adds a burst of citrusy aroma and taste to your culinary creations.

Candied Orange Peel: Transform your orange peels into a delightful treat by candying them. This process involves simmering the peels in a sugar syrup until they become tender and sweet. Afterward, you can dip them in chocolate or use them as a garnish for desserts.

Natural Air Freshener: The natural oils in orange peels have a refreshing and invigorating scent. Dry the peels and place them in a bowl or tie them in sachets to use as an all-natural air freshener. They can help eliminate odors and create a pleasant ambiance in your home.

Orange-Infused Vinegar: Combine orange peels with white vinegar to create a fragrant and eco-friendly cleaning solution. The citrus oils in the peels can help cut through grease and grime, leaving your surfaces clean and smelling fresh.

Flavorful Teas: Dried orange peels can be used to make a soothing and aromatic orange peel tea. Simply dry the peels, store them in an airtight container, and use a few pieces to infuse hot water. It’s a pleasant, caffeine-free beverage option.

Vitamin C: Oranges are renowned for their high vitamin C content, acting as a superhero in your body’s defense against harmful germs. This powerful nutrient also promotes skin health, aids in the absorption of iron from nutritious foods, and safeguards your cells from damage.

Folic Acid (Folate): Folic acid is a unique vitamin that supports growth and the formation of new cells within your body. This vitamin holds special significance, particularly for expectant mothers, as it plays a crucial role in ensuring the healthy development of the baby’s brain and spine.

Dietary Fiber: Oranges contain a component known as dietary fiber, akin to a superhero for your digestive system. It facilitates the efficient digestion of your food, promoting a content and healthy stomach.

Low in Calories: Oranges are like a delightful treat that won’t burden you with excessive calories. So, when you crave something sweet and wholesome, oranges make for an excellent choice.

DIY Citrus Cleaner: Create an all-purpose citrus cleaner by blending orange peels with white vinegar. This mixture can be used to clean surfaces, cut through grease, and leave a refreshing scent behind.

Skin Scrub: The natural oils in orange peels can be used in DIY skincare. Make a homemade scrub by mixing finely ground dried orange peel with sugar and a carrier oil like coconut oil. This scrub can exfoliate and refresh your skin.

Compost: If you’re not inclined to use your orange peels in any of these ways, don’t forget that they can also be added to your compost. They’ll break down and enrich your compost with valuable nutrients.

Before you toss those orange peels into the trash, consider these creative ways to utilize them. You’ll not only reduce waste but also discover the versatility and hidden potential of a humble kitchen ingredient.

