2 min readJul 23, 2020


Good morning, Jackie.

It’s time for you to rise and shine! May your day be filled with happy thoughts only. Before we go to the further section, shall we do these things first?

⋆ Take a glass of mineral water.

ㅤㅤI know that’s hard but you gotta drink first. Little did you know that I’m beyond elated to know that you drank two glasses yesterday. Let’s make it three today, how? Muahaha.

⋆ Second, wash up!

ㅤㅤAnd of course, how can we do another activities before washing up first? That’s definitely a no, no.

⋆ Pray.

ㅤㅤContemplating about what you have gone through this entire life and how you managed to cope up with it. Be grateful for the chance He always give to us.

⋆ Get something to fill your empty stomach.

ㅤㅤThe fun part of a day must be eating, right? But if you don’t feel like having a heavy breakfast, you can have another optionㅡmilk and biscuits. I hope the stocks are still many there, because.

⋆ Last, enjoy!

ㅤㅤIt’s nothing biggie but I hope this little thing could paint a smile on your face. I remember that someone told me this, “While you are alone, don’t overthink. But if it hits you, just do what makes you overthink.” You can talk to me after I’m fully sober!

I might not be around you lately, or even paying attention to the fullest on you while we are together. I wasn’t even around when you needed me the most yesterday morning.

I honestly feel bad about that.

But I’m making these whole things not to ask for your apology. I only want to remind you, once again, about how wonderful yourself is and how loved you are, by me.

With Love,

Your Markie.

