Refreshing Pineapple Weight Loss Smoothies 🍍

Waist for Waste
6 min readJul 26, 2022


This easy and refreshing pineapple weight loss smoothie is an excellent addition to a balanced diet for healthy weight loss goals.

If you want to lose weight, you must try out the Natural Smoothie Diet: 21-Day Weight Loss Program!

It combines sweet pineapple with ingredients that boost metabolism, balance blood sugar levels, and energize the body. Dairy-free, gluten-free, and packed with nutrients!

Pineapple Weight Loss Smoothies with Balance in Mind

I don’t usually post healthy eating recipes that are specifically for weight loss, but I know at this time of year many of us have wellness goals that include weight loss.

If you want to lose weight without giving up foods and drinks you love, you must try out this method!

I want to preface this post by saying there is nothing wrong with the desire for some weight loss! We live in a time where body positivity and self-acceptance are widely promoted and I am completely in support of this. But, it is also possible to practice self-love and acceptance while also journeying to establish a healthy weight that works for you!

There are many reasons why an individual may want to lose weight. I consulted as a Nutritionist for years helping people do just that. It was always a focus of mine to make sure my clients had realistic weight loss goals while also supporting them in a balanced approach.

This weight loss smoothie recipe is a twist on a smoothie I included in many client meal plans and it can help promote healthy weight loss in conjunction with a balanced diet!

Are smoothies a good way to lose weight?

This all depends on what’s IN your smoothies! Because smoothies come in many combinations and sizes, some can support weight loss, in your weight loss journey while others may not. It also depends on your own nutritional needs, but I do think smoothies can be a great part of a healthy weight loss plan.

In my professional opinion, smoothies can support weight loss if they meet the following criteria:

Are free of refined sugars.

This means no added sugar that comes from sweetened juices or other refined sugar sources. Whole fruits and small amounts of natural sweeteners (maple syrup, dates, or honey) are a totally fine and healthy way to help with your sweet tooth without loading you up on processed sugars.

Contain protein.

Because smoothies are often fruit-forward, it’s very important they also contain protein to help balance the carbohydrates from the fruit. The protein also supports muscle recovery and building for better body composition. Whether this is peanut butter, almond butter, pea protein, cashew butter, a plant-based protein, or vanilla protein powder this can all help to give a nice protein boost to the drink.

Contain healthy fats.

Just like protein, the fat helps to balance out the sugar content of the smoothie, and it also makes the smoothie filling and satisfying. But, because fat is more caloric, it’s important to moderate the fat content. A tablespoon of nut butter or coconut oil, or 1/4 of an avocado is often enough!

How can pineapple help you lose weight?

Sponge Bob says hello!

Pineapple has many factors that can help aid in weight loss:

  • It is relatively low in calories and contains a lot of water
  • It is a good source of fiber and can help you feel more full and satisfied
  • It contains natural digestive enzymes which support digestion (when the digestive system is running smoothly your body is better able to detoxify itself and this can help reduce water retention and inflammation, both of which can cause weight gain).
  • It has a lovely naturally sweet taste while still being lower in calories and high in fiber, so it is a great alternative to foods that contain refined sugar (this can help curb overeating by making you feel fuller longer. It also helps the intake of sugary foods that cause weight gain)
If you want to lose weight, you must try out the Natural Smoothie Diet: 21-Day Weight Loss Program!

Pineapple Weight Loss Smoothie Ingredients

To make this delicious and refreshing smoothie you only need a handful of ingredients, each with a specific purpose tied to weight loss support.

Here’s what you’ll need for this smoothie recipe:

  • Frozen pineapple (benefits listed above)
  • Frozen banana (adds a creamy smoothie texture, brings in fiber and natural sweetness making the smoothie super satisfying)
  • Unsweetened coconut (brings in satiating dietary fats, and coconut contains medium-chain triglycerides which help to boost fat-burning)
  • Spinach (a great source of nutrients and soluble fiber to help with optimal digestion for weight loss)
  • Matcha green tea powder (naturally increases fat burning and metabolism)
  • Unflavoured collagen peptides** (brings in 20g of protein, promotes blood sugar stabilization, and supports muscle building)
  • Unsweetened almond milk (a great low-calorie non-sugary liquid source) and oat milk are also acceptable
  • Lime (brings in added flavor and is a source of citric acid which naturally boosts metabolism)

If you prefer you can swap out the collagen for another protein powder of your choice, but I recommend the collagen as it’s undetectable in taste and texture, so it won’t change the flavor of the smoothie at all. It also contains no added sugars or artificial flavors/additives.

If you want to lose weight, you must try out the Natural Smoothie Diet: 21-Day Weight Loss Program!

How To Make The Pineapple Weight Loss Smoothie

— Step By Step

Making this smoothie is a super simple and quick process. You can easily put this smoothie together for a quick breakfast, or pre-or post-workout snack.

Here’s what you’ll do:

  1. Add the spinach to the bottom of the blender, then add the frozen pineapple and banana.

2. Next, sprinkle in the coconut.

3. Next, add the collagen peptides or protein powder.

4. Sprinkle in the matcha powder then squeeze in the juice from 1/2 a lime.

5. Pour in the almond milk and blend on high until completely smooth. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Disclaimer, this pineapple weight loss smoothie is not magical (although it may taste that way!). If you are looking to lose weight it’s very important to establish a balanced diet plan that contains the right amount of calories and macronutrients for your individual needs.

This smoothie can be a great addition to your weight loss plan and it’s one you’ll want to enjoy again and again!

If you want to lose weight without giving up foods and drinks you love, you must try out this method!



Waist for Waste

Looking for help to lose weight in the healthy way? If your goal is to lose weight and start a healthier and more active life, then you are in the right place!!