If The GOP Loved Kids As Much As Their Guns

Wajahat Ali
5 min readMar 28, 2023
A picture of U.S. Rep. Andy Ogle from Tennessee and his family taken from his Facebook page.

What would happen if the GOP loved children more than guns?

First, kids in America would be able to concentrate on reading, learning math, and playing with their friends instead of practicing shooting drills and figuring out how to dodge and outrun bullets.

Second, there wouldn’t be weekly headlines of yet another “tragic” school shooting and horrific scenes of traumatized parents and children.

Third, “thoughts and prayers” could finally earn a well-deserved rest and vacation in Cancun with Ted Cruz and his family.

If the GOP truly loved our children more than their guns, they could finally claim to be “pro-life” with a straight face, instead of hiding behind their perverse hypocrisy and fake tears which they wipe away with the endless supply of dollar bills provided by the NRA.

Sadly, that isn’t the reality, because the GOP has proven time and again that they’re all in with the “F Them Kids” strategy to make America great again.

There have been 130 mass shootings this year. That means there have been more mass shootings than days in 2023. The United States of America is the most powerful and wealthy country in the world where there are more guns than people. The right-wing movement’s self-destructive worship of guns, and assault rifles in…



Wajahat Ali

Author of GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM…; The Daily Beast Columnist; Senior Fellow Western States Center; wajahatmali@protonmail.com