Tucker Is Gone, but the Hate Remains

Wajahat Ali
5 min readApr 25, 2023
L.E.MORMILE / Shutterstock.com

For the first time in his miserable, privileged life, Tucker Carlson — the greatest modern ally of white nationalists, bigots, bowties, and conspiracy theorists — can’t whine against immigrants, Black people, feminists, or Muslims for his grievances. Instead, he can only blame his former employer, Fox, which unceremoniously fired him on Monday.

“Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways,” the network announced on Monday even though Carlson and his team were fully expecting to record their highest-rated cable “news” show going into election season.

One powerful and menacing head of the Hydra has been lopped off, sure, but history reminds us we should expect two more white talking heads to take its place. The truth is that Fox and the right-wing ecosystem have radicalized and weaponized their base with a pure, streamlined injection of hate and lies for so long that any attempts at correcting the course or moderating are tantamount to financial and cultural suicide. Their base will rebel and ditch them for a competitor that is willing to supply the latest hit.

For now, I don’t want to be a party pooper. Tucker Carlson, who hosted one of the most racist shows in America, was fired. We should all enjoy this moment and play the world’s smallest violin.



Wajahat Ali

Author of GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM…; The Daily Beast Columnist; Senior Fellow Western States Center; wajahatmali@protonmail.com