The Blasphemy Heard Around The World

Jon Voight Compares Trump to Jesus

Waking Up Before The Joe
4 min readFeb 3, 2024
Photo by Pixabay

I woke up today wanting to stay in bed a bit longer. I knew it would be a long day at work and I was dreading going in.

As I made my way to work, I was bombarded with notifications on X about Jon Voight and his message to the masses regarding Trump.

Today’s Cup of Joe: Iced Vanilla Latte w/Almond Milk

Normally I would ignore something regarding Trump but it must have been a big deal because I never received so many notifications about any given thing.

When I say I was shocked is an understatement, but I was shocked. Hell, I was shook, a gasped, appalled and angrily offended.

Most if not all Americans know that Trump once said that no president in history has had it bad as him.

Him and his MAGA Morons believe he was chosen by God to lead Americans and Christians to righteousness and glory.

A man who has been married three times, owes millions to blue-collar workers (who built his casinos and hotels and were never paid), has cheated on every wife he has had with hundreds of women, incited an insurrection, colluded with Russia to rig his first election (and got away with it), and created a divide in our nation that has not been seen since the days of segregation, is righteous and chosen by God?

So here is where Jon Voight comes in. This man has always had a few nuts loose but his recent video message has truly shown how off the rocker he is. Also, If I remember correctly, this man was an atheist.

This same video message was shared by Trump on “Truth” social cause like any narcissist, he (Trump) lives for this attention and glorification.

WARNING: Blasphemy Ahead (On Trump and Jon Voight’s Part. Not Mine)

A snippet of what was said by Jon:

“The man that can help this nation, the one man that was ridiculed, destroyed as Jesus, Trump, can come back and save the American dream for all and make America Great with the dignity, with the power of who she is.”

I don’t want to write out everything this blasphemous, demonic old man said but the thing went on about how Trump can destroy negative propaganda (yet Trumps creates it) and asks:

“Can he be saved with the American people who believe in God’s glory? (Not that orange goblin), Can we save our nation from the dark cloud that has been put upon our life’s dreams. (Once Donald is locked up or moves on from this earth. Then yes.)

As I watched the video, my mouth was gapped open and my heart hurt. The holy spirit in me was crying out to God. (The real God)

As a true and devote Christian hearing these things, I could only pray to God that people don’t believe this and that MAGA maniacs and the blasphemous Trump worshippers will wake up and see Trump and his minions for who they truly are. (False prophets leading you all away from God and Jesus Christ)

We know for a fact that if Jesus was in our times, Trump and the far right would be Pontius Pilate and the temple leaders that crucified him. The MAGA minions would be the crowd asking for the pardon of Barabbas in exchange for Christs life.

I know there are many atheists and non-Christians that support Trump. So, for them, everything I say is just hogwash. But to me and every TRUE Christian, this video message is blasphemous, insulting and a slap in the faces of every Christian that holds Christ in their hearts and in their souls.

No politician, celebrity or human being on this earth has suffered or came close to suffering as Jesus. Jesus not only suffered on the cross but took every single sin from before his death and after his resurrection onto his own soul.

Fake Christians only think he had physical pain from being nailed to the cross but Jesus felt the suffering of every sinner. He felt like God had abandoned him and in his final hours he felt all the agony of what it feels like to be human. Imagine that pain. You can’t.

Trump has never felt pain. He doesn’t actually care about the court hearings, (they bring him attention) his family, his followers (false Christians), his constituents or his MAGA morons.

I have suffered more than Donald Trump. You have suffered more than Donald Trump. Stray cats and dogs have suffered more than Donald Trump. Yet none of us would ever and have never said we have suffered as much as our Lord Jesus Christ.

Silver spoons, pride, self-glorification and idol worship is all that man has ever known. He doesn’t know pain.

All you Christians still supporting him and his MAGA far right party need to get right with Jesus.

Mark my words Christians supporting Trump, you and all your conspiracists got it all wrong.

Enjoy Your Cup Of Joe.



Waking Up Before The Joe

Coffee lover and published author. I write what comes to mind first thing in the morning