Welcome To Christianity

There are Some Things You Need to Know.

Waking Up Before The Joe
8 min readNov 5, 2023
Photo By: Pixabay

I woke up today to the sound of cold Autumn rain tapping outside my window. If you have read my previous articles and opinion pieces, then you would know that I love the rain.

After getting ready for the long day ahead, I received a call from my mom. We got on the subject of some family members who have recently become “born-again Christians.”

I was really happy to hear the news but then she informed me of some not-so-pleasant experiences she had with them that gave me the idea to write today's piece.

Today’s Cup of Joe: Toffee Nut Latte w/ Almond Milk

Below is a letter to all you new Christians out there. These are my opinions but I do feel that many others will agree with what I say.

Hello and Welcome to Christianity!

Maybe you are new to Christianity or you are returning to it after leaving due to life experiences in and out of your control. Whatever the case may be, Welcome.

As you may have noticed, your awareness of God’s love and your self-love has been heightened.

You may find that your life has more light, positivity, and a sense of security now. This will only continue to get stronger and when life throws you some hardships, you now will be strong enough to make it through them.

As long as you carry God and Christ with you, you will make it through anything.

There are some things you need to understand and I’m only sharing this advice because I have dealt with many a new Christian and it is important that you don’t behave in any way that will make you look ignorant and ill-informed.

First off, I’m a gay Christian. You need to know this because even though you are most likely straight, you need to know that there are many types of Christians. Just like all races, Christianity also has all sexualities. Gay Christians love God and Christ as much as anyone else.

I’m now 40 and have been a Christian all my life. Since I can remember, I have always believed in God.

I went to private school and other than going to church on the weekends, my school had us attend Wednesday mass as well. My life in private school wasn’t a positive experience but on my more trying days, I would go into the church after school to pray to Jesus to make my classmates better people and to help me get through the next day. (I dealt with some bullying.)

I continue to this day to give sympathy to those who may not deserve it but I keep them in my prayers cause that is the true Christian way.

Now on to why I’m writing this article. Myself and all Christians are happy you are here but there are a few tips that will help you be more tolerated and celebrated for becoming a Christian and not come off as condescending and obnoxious.

Photo by: Pixabay

Advice #1

Don’t Try and Convert Others! You Barely Scratched the Surface.

You are so excited to be a Christian that you can’t wait to tell everyone about your new life. You can’t wait to convert all your friends from your past that got lost in their ways. But Don’t!

Yes, you have found salvation and want others to do the same. That is a good thing. Just don’t go on a tangent telling them what and who they should be. Instead, share with them your story. Share how happy you feel. Share your testimony.

Do not go on telling them how they are living wrong and all other attacks on their characters. (You were living the same lifestyle not even a few weeks or months ago)

Don’t tell them they need to repent and welcome Jesus into their heart. Instead, tell them how you welcomed Jesus into your heart and how much weight and pain was lifted because of it. Seeing your happiness will lead them more to Christ than your bible-thumping holier-than-thou behavior.

Advice #2

You Don’t Know More Than Lifelong Christians.

That’s right. Many times, new Christians tell me how I should be as a Christian and how they are closer to Jesus than me and I just want to laugh at them.

I have been reading scriptures, or praying to God daily since I can remember. I have seen the evil in this world, and lived through many traumatic events, and not once did those things turn me away from my belief in God.

You on the other hand left the church, didn’t live life purely, was atheist from the beginning, or practiced witchcraft and devil worship.

I’m not judging. Heck, I’m a gay Christian. To most Christians, I’m living in sin. (God has blessed me too much for me to believe that and I’m so thankful to HIM for that.)

I’m just letting you know that you can’t tell me and other lifelong Christians who have never turned away from God are less Christian or know less about being a Christian than you.

Don’t even try to argue with us when we tell you that your judgmental tone is not Christ-like and that you need to slow your roll.

Advice #3

You Are More Susceptible to The Temptations of The devil.

That’s right. You just slapped the devil in the face and he lost another human being to God’s light and love. He isn’t happy. He will be throwing some problems your way to make you falter.

When you feel that you are having some “bad luck” or nothing seems to be going right. Stop, pause, and pray the Lord's Prayer and ask for protection. Do this as often as you can and with faith and you will be protected.

Photo by: Akil Mazumder

Advice #4

Be Careful of The Hate Seed.

As a new Christian, depending on what brought you to Jesus, you may start to have hatred, disgust, or even negative feelings toward those who are not living life the way you think they should be living.

Too many times, kind, good people who made bad choices become Christians and then take their old beliefs and throw them out the window.

Before you became a Christian, you may have had love for the LGBTQ community, had more patience and tolerance for drug users, the poor, immigrants, and didn’t judge people on their political beliefs, and were friends with non-Christians.

But now you feel an undying hatred for these people. You may find yourself making comments like, “They should all be killed.” or you may start lumping all people of one race or sexuality into one category and say hateful things that were never part of your character before.

Even though you weren’t Christian, the love you had for those people was from God. You just didn’t know it at the time. Becoming a Christian doesn’t mean you erase your past. The good parts you keep because they are from God.

This is a common thing that happens when you convert to Christianity and listen to the wrong Christian teachers or politicians.

Most of these people are as new to Christianity as you. Most of them are only Christians online or for political gain but in their private lives, they are vile and hateful people who have zero faith in God.

As a Christian, the moment you hear others in your congregation or inner circle saying hateful, bigoted, and racist things, it is time to find a new congregation or group of Christian friends.

We need to love our neighbors and hold no hate in our eyes.

Advice #5

That Politician Was NOT Chosen By God.

We believe that God controls and makes all things happen. That is true. In the case of the “religious” politician, God gave us free will and we used our free will to vote that person into power.

As a Christian, new or old, you should not place any political leader into a head of Church position. These people are not good people. No matter how much they preach about being chosen by God or how Christian they are. They are far from it. (It’s a political tactic)

I believe we have the right to vote for anyone we want. But we need to be careful of the politicians that only preach hate and hate and hate, then say it is the Righteous and Christian thing to do.

Too many times I hear new Christians and old Christians saying that we should ‘Un-alive all the immigrants coming illegally into the country.’

These people say they are Christian and have the nerve to say that about people coming over a land border. A land border!! (F.Y.I. Most immigrants from Mexico and South America are Christians. Think about that for a moment.)

We can’t call ourselves Christians and then promote the murder of innocent people and fellow Christians.

As a new Christian, you may be blinded by the politicians and see what they say as doctrine and God's will. IT ISN’T!

To protect yourself as a new Christian. Stay away from media, political news, and far-left or far-right YouTube commentators. You are working on becoming a stronger Christian and building a bond with God that has been missing.

Don’t get distracted by the devil and the hate seed that spews from these people's mouths. That is another way for the devil to pull you out of God’s light.

Once your spirit is strong, you will be able to see these people for what they truly are and their tactics (for money and power) will have no effect on you.

My final thought is this. As a Christian, you will always be growing in your spirituality and your bond with God will get stronger. There will be times you may fall down but pray, get back up and things will turn around. Don’t beat yourself up.

Remember, we don’t need to accept the lifestyles of others. We don’t need to agree with their message. But as Christians, we need to treat them with respect and dignity and not wish death and vile harm to them.

No one is perfect but just because they are different from you and me doesn’t make them any less worthy of Christ’s love or the love from us.

Enjoy your cup of joe.



Waking Up Before The Joe

Coffee lover and published author. I write what comes to mind first thing in the morning