Top 10 SQL Projects to Boost Your Portfolio in 2024 and Land Your Dream Job

Anisha Walde
3 min readFeb 27, 2024
Level Up Your Portfolio

In today’s data-driven world, possessing strong SQL skills is a golden ticket for aspiring data analysts, data scientists, and anyone working with information. But simply listing “SQL proficiency” on your resume isn’t enough. To truly impress potential employers, you need to showcase your skills with concrete examples.

This is where SQL projects come in. By tackling practical problems and demonstrating your ability to manipulate and analyze data, you can distinguish yourself from the crowd.

Here are 10 captivating SQL project ideas that will beef up your portfolio and impress recruiters in 2024:

  1. Movie Recommendation Engine: Analyze movie ratings data to build a system that recommends movies to users based on their preferences. Utilize joins, aggregations, and window functions to uncover hidden patterns.

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2. E-commerce Sales Analysis: Dive into e-commerce sales data to identify top-selling products, analyze customer trends, and track marketing campaign effectiveness. Leverage subqueries, common table expressions (CTEs), and conditional logic to extract valuable insights.

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3. Social Media Sentiment Analysis: Explore social media data to gauge public sentiment towards a particular brand, product, or event. Use regular expressions and string manipulation functions to analyze text data and uncover positive, negative, or neutral sentiment.

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4. Stock Market Trend Prediction: Analyze historical stock market data to build a basic prediction model using various SQL functions and techniques. Remember, SQL is not meant for complex machine learning, but it can be a good starting point for understanding trends.

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5. Music Genre Classification: Use SQL to classify songs into different genres based on audio features. This project involves exploring unfamiliar data types and utilizing case statements for conditional logic.

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6. Analyzing Industry Carbon Emissions: Analyze data on industry carbon footprints to identify the biggest polluters and track emission trends over time. Utilize functions like SUM, AVG, and GROUP BY to summarize and analyze environmental impact.

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7. Hospital Readmission Prediction: Explore hospital readmission data to identify factors that contribute to patients being re-admitted within a specific timeframe. This project involves utilizing advanced techniques like window functions and self-joins.

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8. Building Data Pipelines: Showcase your ability to automate data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes using SQL. This could involve building scripts to pull data from various sources, clean and format it, and load it into a target database.

Reference Link: (

9. Analyzing Public Transportation Data: Explore public transportation usage data to identify peak hours, popular routes, and areas with potential for improvement. Utilize functions like COUNT, MIN, and MAX to uncover usage patterns and optimize services.

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10. Weather Data Analysis: Analyze historical weather data to identify trends, predict weather patterns, or compare weather conditions across different locations. Explore techniques like date manipulation functions and conditional logic to extract meaningful insights.

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Incorporating these top 10 SQL projects into your portfolio will not only demonstrate your proficiency in SQL development but also showcase your ability to solve real-world problems and contribute effectively to business objectives. Remember to document your projects thoroughly and highlight your contributions in your resume and during job interviews. With these impressive projects in your portfolio, you’ll be well-equipped to secure your desired role in the competitive corporate world of 2024.

More SQL Projects for All Levels

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Anisha Walde

Passionate Data Analyst | Aspiring Data Scientist | Data Explorer | Gen AI Enthusiast | Creative Writing | Words That Connect and Inspire