Reviving personal well-being : Solution for young professionals who have moved into a new city #2.

Walden Hendrix
11 min readJul 29, 2024


Content :

  1. Overview
  2. Execution
  3. Final Design
  4. Conclusion

This is the continuation of part 1 of the New-nest case study.

Here’s the link for part 1 : Reviving personal well-being : Solution for young professionals who have moved into a new city.

If you did not have time to read the first part let me loop you in -

1. Overview

New-nest, An app that provides solutions for young professionals who have just moved into a new city and are facing new challenges such as homesickness, loneliness and having trouble getting along in a new city.

New-nest makes it a little bit easier to settle in.

This design was made as a part my capstone assignment from my design cohort 10k Designers. We were given 11 Briefs from 10 different companies to find solutions for the briefs. I chose brief 2 from the company Fountane because I could relate to the problem statement and realized at a point in my life I was once the persona. The deadline was 5 days.

The Problem statement :

Ashish is a young employee, working for an MNC after moving to a new city recently (user and context). Due to fatigue from working long hours, lack of quality time away from work, and being away from his family and friends in the new city, he is mentally overwhelmed and extremely homesick (problem). Provide a solution that provides resources and support for the mental health and well-being of Ashish as he takes on this new journey in life (need).

Conditions : He does not have the option to quit this job or leave the new city at this point.

If you want to look at the Research please see Part 1 of the case study.

Solutions :

Based on the research and the interviews, I could understand that most of them just simply required trusted people in their life for emotional support, spend quality time away from work and not have a monotonous life where it’s just work and home everyday, They needed a good social circle.

The rest of their needs were Professionals Help, Exercise, Practice mindfulness, Meditation and Have Hobbies to not feel monotonous.

After Brainstorming for a while, I came to conclusion that I will be making an app where people can find not only the features that a mental health app has but also a platform where they can connect with people in a new city through communities and get the support for their personal well being through online support groups.

The 2 main features of the app will be Communities and Online Support Groups.

Few things you need to know before hand

  1. Support groups and communities are differentiated by “s/group-name” for support groups and “c/community-name” for communities. Otherwise people will have a hard time knowing which is which. I got this idea from reddit where the use letter in this way (u/) to differentiate between community pages and individual persons / creators pages.
  2. Support groups will only have a 25 person limit. Why? In support groups, say there are 300 people and all of them are in an online meeting, It would be impossible for everyone to get a chance to speak and share with the people which is the whole point of a support group. So not to defeat this purpose, support groups will have only 25 people max so when the online meetings happen the members get a chance to talk and communicate well.
  3. While creating a support group there is an option for the group creators to set the number of people they want in their support group and max limit is 25. where as for communities there’s not limit as of now.

Let’s take a look at the features.

2. Execution

I went through wellness apps such as Headspace, Calm, Bloom and Stoic to get an idea on how these apps are approaching mental wellness and how I can implement them in New-nest.

Once I figured that out, I ideated and started to make the user flows and information architecture for my features.

I Designed

  • Login & onboarding flow
  • Joining a community flow
  • Joining a online support group flow
  • Creating communities and online support groups flow.

Let’s take a look at the flows first, I will explain how the flow works when showing the final Designs.

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Login & Onboarding Flow -

In the onboarding flow, I am asking several questions, The app will curate an experience based on the answers given while onboarding.

Joining a community flow -

Once we finish on boarding we will land on the home screen where we will be able to join communities and support groups.

Joining a support group flow -

Creating Communities and Support groups flow -

Note : Like I mentioned before the dead line was 5 days, And I took 2 days for research and 3 days for designing, In the remaining 3 days, I took 2 days to ideate and created the user flow, IA and Hi-fi wire frames and on the last day of the submission date I designed the app. I wont be presenting the wire frames since they are very similar to the final designs, Let’s save some time and get to the final designs and see how works.

3. Final Designs

  • Login flow
  • Onboarding flow
  • Joining a community flow
  • Joining a support group flow
  • Creating communities and support groups flow

Login flow final designs :

Login flow walk through :

It’s a straight forward login flow, After the launch, the first 4 screens will be informing the users What New-nest is, How it works and Who it’s for.

The screen has relatable illustrations for the informative text below it.

After the 3rd informative screen, in the 4th one I am showing a create an account and login button so once the user gets an insight on what the app does, they can start their journey. If they are already an existing user they will login, If not they will create an account. In this case study I have approached it as a new user.

Once you reach the sign-up screen and finish signing up you will be taken to the next screen with a message with your name (based on the e-mail) for a personal touch. Now we move on to the onboarding where I will ask a series of questions to curate a personalized experience for the user.

Note : I have mentioned in the IA why I have asked each of these questions.

Onboarding flow final designs :

Onboarding flow :

10 Question, each of them are going to give the user a personalized experience as they start using the app. I have explained why I have asked each of these question in the IA.

Once the user has completed answering all the questions they will be taken to the home screen where they can join communities and support groups.

Joining a community flow final designs :

Joining a community and how it works :

  • Home screen : Once we reach the home screen, you can see communities featured on the first section based on the interests the user has answered during onboarding.
  • Community Home screen : Once they click on a community, they will be taken to the community home screen where they can join a community, Once they have joined the community they can start a conversation with the community members and start socializing.
  • Discover screen : When the users are in the discover screen, In the first section they are shown communities featured just like the home screen, Below that section, The users can click on an interest and once clicked on an interest card they will be shown more communities based on the interest they clicked on.
  • Community List Screen : After clicking on an interest they will be taken to the community list screen where they can click on a community and join the community to start a conversation.

What is this feature trying to achieve?

In this feature of New-nest, communities helps the user find people to socialize who have similar interest. For example someone who loves to workout can find fitness communities, or someone who loves music can find music communities, This way it will make it easier for people to socialize, Because one of the things I heard from people in the interviews is that they find it hard to form friendships after entering adulthood, Having similar interest will make it much easier for a person to form a friendship or connect with another person.

With this feature it becomes very easy for people to find other people who are into similar things as them.

Joining an Online support group flow final designs :

Joining a support group and how it works :

  • Home screen : In the home screen, we have resources section where people can find various resources, Since the online support group resource is one of the main features of the app its shown first on the section.
  • Once the user clicks on the online support group card they will be taken to support group category screen where they can find or search for particular categories like homesickness, loneliness and more.
  • After finding and clicking on the category they need, they will be taken to the next screen where they are shown a list of support groups based on that category.
  • Support group list screen : Once they are in this screen they can click on a support group.
  • Support group home screen : Once they are in the home of the support group, they have to join to see the posts made by existing members. In that post you can see the meeting information like, Date, Link for the online meet, Title and description.
  • Members can create posts by clicking on the “+” button on the bottom right.
  • Creating a post screen : Here you can create a post and schedule a meeting. which will be shown on the group home screen.

What is this feature trying to achieve?

This feature is trying to make Support groups more and easily accessible.

Support groups are a safe space for people who have gone through similar experiences or who are going through similar experiences to share and talk about their concerns and receive encouragement and support. But…

When people are working 9–5 it will be very hard to make time for such in person meetings. This is where the physical factor comes to play. If you are someone working 9–5 by the time you are home you are most likely very tired. So This feature will help the persona stay at home and still find the support and encouragement they need and talk to people without having to go out in a tired state. This is not only for support but can also help in forming friendships.

Creating Communities and Support Groups flow final designs :

Creating Communities and Support Groups Walk Through :

  • Profile Screen : After clicking on the profile screen on the homepage user can see options to create communities and support groups
  • Creating a community : Here you have input fields for title, description, location and a selector for category.
  • For title you can notice the app shows “c/” to let the users know the difference once again when they are creating communities.
  • Location is to help the algorithm push the communities to near by people. It wouldn’t make sense for a person in a different city to get a community in another city, when they are trying to make new friends and meet people in the city they are currently residing.
  • Then we have select category where the creator of the group can select categories so that when people search for music communities it shows music related communities.
  • Creating a support group : Same first 2 input fields but title input field will show “s/” to let the users know they are creating a support group.
  • This time the admin has the power to choose how many people they want in the group and max number of people is 25 so that the online meetings are not crowded and everyone gets a chance to speak and a tool tip icon letting people know why the limit is 25.
  • Then location and pin-code for the same reason as mentioned in the community creating screen.
  • Then we have select category where the creator of the group can select categories.

4. Conclusion

Firstly if you’ve made it this far I want to thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy case study, I hope it was worth your time.

I want to conclude this case study by talking about the pitfalls of the design.

I worked on this assignment in May 2024 but couldn’t make a case study on it until 2 months later because I got an internship and got busy with that.

But now after gaining some experience working on real world projects and while making the case study I found some pitfalls in the apps workings.

  1. Number of people in the communities : Just like support groups there has to be a limit on the number of people in the community. Let’s say there are 100,000 people in a community, It would be impossible to make a conversation. So limiting the group to maybe 300–500 people is the right range for communities.
  2. Creating support group posts / updates : If all 25 people start creating posts then it could collide with other meetings. So to fix this I can give an option where they can request the admin to approve the post so there wont be any meetings overlapping.
  3. Home screen sections : The main 2 features of this app is communities and support groups. But only the communities has a featured section and support group comes in the resources section after the wellness section which isn’t ideal. The support group needs to have a separate section and needs to have the same amount of importance as the communities section since its a big feature of the app.

Alright folks time to wrap this up, I once again thank you for reading this case study, I put a lot of time and effort on this and hope you liked it.

If you want to check more of my projects here’s my portfolio website :

If you have any questions about this project or want to have a chat feel free to send me a mail at :

Here’s the link for Part 1 if you’d like to see the research part and Ideation : Reviving personal well-being : Solution for young professionals who have moved into a new city.

