RICE Product Prioritization [Notion Template]

A FREE Notion template to immediately use the RICE Framework to prioritize your product backlog

Waleed Elaghil
Oct 10, 2023

I’ve written a lot about product prioritization before, and have received a lot of request to share practical and complete process of how this could be done.

In the previous post, I shared the nitty-gritty of how we do product prioritization using the RIICE framework to determine what to work at.

In this post, I want to giveaway a ready-to-use Notion template to help you get up and running fast!

Here’s the template > https://waleedelaghil.notion.site/RIICE-Product-Prioritization-Notion-Template-33feec9f7d364065b6cc9afeacf40c4d?pvs=4

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or feedback to make this better

Happy prioritizing!



Waleed Elaghil

A Yemeni multi-potentialite. Head of Product @ Qawafel, ex-PM @ ClickUp. Product coach and geek 🤓. I write about product management, growth, strategy & tech.