Classical art

Walid Desouky
5 min readNov 19, 2022
Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa

Traditional art forms, like drawing, painting, and sculpture, are still widely used. But there’s also a lot of crossover with other types of art. For example, classical art uses principles from Greek and Roman styles to create new works. Classical art is most often associated with the Renaissance period in history. It was during this time that artists began returning to the principles of past artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to create new works in the same style. Classical art is a broad term that encompasses many different techniques and themes. There are several subcategories within classical art, but all revolve around similar ideals of beauty found in nature. In this article, we’ll look at some examples of famous classical sculptures and paintings you might recognize.

Basics of Classical Art

Much like Baroque, Rococo, and Impressionist art, classical art is a style or period of art that has certain characteristics and principles. One of the key differences between classical art and other styles is the subject matter. When you think of the word “classical,” you may think about Shakespeare or Greek mythology. In visual art, though, classical refers to the use of realism in nature — or in other words, a focus on precise and detailed renderings of life and real people. Classical art is also characterized by its use of balance, symmetry, and order. Artists who…

