Run Fast Like A CAThlete: How to Boost Your Speed?

4 min readMar 23, 2022


To be the best in Walken, you need to upgrade your CAThlete. There are a bunch of characteristics that each character has (namely Stamina, Speed and Strength) and their values may vary: each CAThlete has unique stats values, with the max stats being genetically predicted. That means that some CAThletes are naturally predisposed to strength (strength is higher than the other stats); others are speedy ones (with Speed stats higher than others), and there are also CAThletes with Stamina being the highest stat.

Since each CAThlete has such characteristics as Speed, we thought it a nice idea to share tips on how to boost your speed in real life so that you could work out more effectively, just like your CAThlete.

Running technique

Regardless of the distance that you are going to run, running technique should become law-abiding definitions for you. It will significantly improve your running speed, not to mention lowered injury risks.

For a sprinter, technique guarantees great results: an average athlete can increase their distance efficiency up to 100%. For a marathon runner, it allows for more efficient energy saving.

The SRE complex (special running exercises) is aimed to teach you to run the right way. Do these exercises every time you look to work out the running technique. To achieve perfect results, arrange the body as if in a straight line, with the feet, hips, and head in one sloping line.

Arm position

A lot of people believe that running is an activity exclusively for the legs, and the hands are needed to hold the phone, bottle, keys and so on. This is a critical mistake: in running, the body strength and the arms movements play an equally important role.

Proper arm movements greatly facilitate footwork and allow you to run for long distances with less effort. The hands should be relaxed, the shoulders slightly raised, the elbows bent, and aim to swing your arms along the body, not in front of it. Focus on pushing your elbows back.

Stride length

Taking long strides is another common mistake of runners, as the running stride length depends on your overall physical activity and workout experience. Moreover, too long stride will lead to the foot getting ahead of the gravity center and slowing down the overall movement. When taking a step, try to keep the foot exactly under the knee. Pay attention to the back position, and try not to sway from side to side.

Use your gaze

As we’ve mentioned, proper alignment will allow you to run more easily and risk-free. One of the most common mistakes among untrained runners is looking down, straining the cervical spine. Don’t stare at your feet, instead, run tall! Look in front of you, focusing your eyes on the ground about 15 feet ahead of you. This way, you’ll still see what’s coming and won’t fall, while also reducing the strain on your neck and spine.


Correct breathing technique while running at higher speeds requires practice. Breathe through both your nose and mouth to get the maximum amount of oxygen for the muscles.

7 tips for beginners

1. It is difficult for an untrained person to run even a mile. Start with short runs at very low speed. At each following training, increase the distance by 500–800 m.

2. Always start and finish the workout with an easy 10–15 minutes jog (keep your heart rate below 145 beats/min).

3. Don’t take training as something unpleasant and distressing, because such a mindset will prevent you from achieving your goal.

4. If you have a marathon or any competition coming, start training in advance. Do not count on a miracle that you will be able to run 10km in 10 minutes without any effort.

5. Give up bad habits at least for the training time.

6. Proper nutrition is just as important for an athlete as running theory. Don’t exercise immediately after eating a large meal, and don’t fast after an exhausting workout. It is vital to delay the metabolic window and drink restorative sports drinks.

7. Don’t run long distances with a high heart rate (above 165 beats/min). Such workouts won’t do any good, you’ll only overtrain, may get injured and put your heart under too much pressure.

8. Train at least 3 times a week.

That's it for now, hope you've enjoyed the article and these tips will help you take you runs to the next level. Stay tuned for more articles on workouts and training, and don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Telegram!




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