The Complete Guide to Daily Quests in Walken

5 min readJan 12, 2023


It probably wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that for many players Walken has truly become part of everyday life in a variety of ways. From walking an extra mile or two and getting outside more often to get those Gems in, to checking how CAThletes are doing first thing in the morning — the customary actions thousands of players perform every day and thus drive the project forward. In line with the Roadmap, our mission and vision, and of course the Community feedback, the Walken Team is taking the next stride towards an ever fun, engaging, and rewarding Walken experience. We’re thrilled to announce that the Daily Quests feature is to make its way to Walken in the next update in just a few days from now.

With the brand new Daily Quests system underway, the in-game activities that have become habitual will receive a valuable new dimension and lay the foundation for the future massive updates, catalyzing engagement to new highs and emphasizing the gameplay itself.

While we’re getting ready for its release and finishing the final testing rounds, here’s the article that deals closely with the coming feature. Read on to learn everything you need to know about types of tasks, what rewards await and how to make the most of the feature.


Daily Quests are a set of objectives that unlock on a daily basis and provide rewards when completed. Over the course of the 7 days, 5 new quests will roll out daywise. Some quests can be accomplished quite easily in a matter of hours while others may be a real challenge and take several days. The best thing is that each quest can be completed any time before the 7 days end meaning you don’t have to do it on the day they unlock and your progress won’t be discarded. Max fun with no unnecessary pressure, that’s Walken style!

The first day of a quest week (7 days to complete quests) is the day a player opens the Daily Quests via the banner on the Wallet Screen for the first time. The days and quest progress are kept track of in a player’s time zone. The next quest week follows immediately once the previous week ends.

Your activity (e.g. competitions played and won, tokens and gems earned, etc.) is captured from Day 1 so that you progress through tasks (even though they are locked for now) across the quest week. Thus you can either go for all objectives as they unlock or take it easier and accomplish them across the week. Once the 7 days have ended, the tasks reset and the next quest week starts.

From Day 1, players can have a look at tasks across the week that will unlock later on and draft an action plan to tackle them more efficiently. Yet it is not possible to complete them and claim rewards until the day has come and they unlock.

Please note that the screenshots are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the final balance configuration. You may always find the current quests and rewards in the Walken app.

Quests are kept track of in the Daily Quest section that is accessible by tapping on the Quests banner at the bottom of the Wallet screen. There players will be able to keep an eye on the tasks of the current day, check what’s on for the locked day ahead, see what days are successfully completed as well as complete tasks from the previous days.

The feature will be available for all players with no entry requirements. Each player will receive their first day’s quests on the day they update the application to the version containing this feature. From that day the 7 days to complete as many tasks as possible and claim rewards begin.


As mentioned before, the quests are not just for fun; it literally pays to complete them. Each challenge completed earns you a certain amount of Gems / $WLKN / Mysberries. The specific amounts depend on the Rank: the higher your rank, the more generous rewards await.

Remember that $WLKN rewards are credited to your Pending balance, and there’s a transaction for each reward (tokens, Gems and Mysberries) on the list of a respective Wallet.

Please note that the screenshots are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the final balance configuration. You may always find the current quests and rewards in the Walken app.

Apart from rewards for accomplishing each task, there is a set of greater prizes for smashing all quests assigned for a day. Each full day of completed tasks grants progress towards earning very special bee-tastic Jars; the more full days a player scores, the more valuable Jar they get:

  • Three full days of quests completed — Amber Jar;
  • Five full days of quests completed — Azure Jar;
  • Seven full days of quests completed — Amethyst Jar;

Please note that you don’t have to complete days one by one as any completed days earn you progress towards the Jars, not necessarily consecutive.

Please note that the screenshots are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the final balance configuration. You may always find the current quests and rewards in the Walken app.

From those awesome Jars, players will get Gems, Mysberries, $WLKN in various quantities and there’s a chance to grab Item and CAThlete Lootboxes! If you are serious about quests and feel ambitious, go for all three Jars. A free Lootbox from a Jar would be a handsome reward for the effrot put in during the week, right?

Feel free to check possible reward amounts in the application by tapping on “What’s inside those Jars?” button.

Remember to claim all rewards for completed quests before the current quest week ends as they are not transferable to the next week!


Each 7 days players will receive a total of 35 tasks, 5 unlocking per day. The quests reflect the main aspects of the gameplay, from competing and gaining $WLKN to leveling up and Marketplace activity. So they are generally achievable through performing the usual activities in Walken (though you may need to push your limits just a bit to grab the Jars!). No quest week is the same; some tasks may be more frequent than others.

The full list of tasks plus how to successfully complete them is available via this link:

The list of tasks may be updated in future with the addition of new quests.

Hope the article has been informative and you’re all set to welcome and try out the Daily Quest feature. Can’t wait to hear from you once you’ve tried it out! With your support, Walken will continue to evolve and mature into its next stage. Do stay tuned for announcements via our official channels and be the first to go for Daily Quest rewards once they are live!




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