WALKEN 1.15: New Horizons for Champions

4 min readFeb 26, 2024


After the electrifying conclusion of over a hundred CAThletic Games and an in-depth analysis of mountains of data, your feedback (the beating heart of our community), we’ve got some thrilling news and changes coming your way. Over the time since summer 2023, a change in players’ gaming style is evident, so as the need for a shift to ensure that our most active and dedicated players are not just recognized but generously rewarded. And by active, we mean our PvP enthusiasts, the backbone of the game. Walken is all about evolution, and it seems to be the time for a game-changer, designed to empower those who truly embrace the competitive spirit of Walken.

📌 iOS & Android: 1.15

THE MAIN GOAL is to make sure that rewards remain attractive and accessible to all players while maintaining the balance of the game, yet with an ever greater emphasis on engagement and PvP performance — with an element of luck involved, as usual.

To achieve this, the PvE prize pool (the former CGs pool) is from now on redistributed across:

🟡 updated PvP Tournaments (x10 total prize pool, x2 winning places)

🟡 PvP Milestones (weekly $WLKN raffles)

🟡 CAThletic Games 2.0 (Rainbow-eye era)

and more features awaiting in this massive update. Let's tackle them one by one.


Say hello to the 3 Isle Tournament leaderboards, mirroring the competitive spirit of duels: Win Rate, Clashes Won, and $WLKN Gained. This addition not only expands the PvP arena as far as 6(!) leaderboards in total and 1200 winning places, but also promises a whole new level of lucrative fun. Your isle adventures are about to reach unprecedented heights, offering a fresh wave of excitement and, of course, enticing rewards.

ℹ️ As before, a tournament week starts at 00:00 (UTC) on Mondays. Rewards for a recently concluded tournament are distributed on Mondays.


We’re turning up the heat with a jaw-dropping x10 increase in total tournament prize pools for the TOP-200 players across all 6 PvP leaderboards. It’s not just about winning battles; it’s about claiming your well-deserved share of the enhanced bounty. Moreover, the prize pool is distributed more evenly across all the winning positions, with less a gap between TOP-3 and the rest. More rewards will find their worthy winners — 1200 winning places are calling!

ℹ️ Rewards will be tiered based on your rank, ensuring that the higher you climb, the more lucrative the prizes become.


Head over to the Competitions screen to explore the revamped milestones and meet the new 4th milestone. Now, spending energies in Isle Clashes counts for 3 old milestones (together with duels), but hitting the 4th one (exclusively Isle Clash) will earn you a coveted ticket to the raffle with a weekly pool in $WLKN! It'll be 500K WLKN for 100 lucky winners next Monday, so don't waste any longer — dive in PvP!

ℹ️ Please note that milestones complete one by one, not simultaneously. You begin to progress towards the next milestone only after the previous one is completed.


The spotlight is on our extraordinary rainbow-eyed CAThlete captains, while regular CAThletes can join as team members only. A reminder: these unique CAThletes keep dropping from fusions only, which makes them rare and highly coveted.

One more thing to note is that rewards in the chests are proportional: the fewer Rainbow CAThletes registered for the Games, the greater the prizes per chest. For example, a chest with 1200 $WLKN (if 1500 teams register, the maximum number) turns into 3600 $WLKN (if there are 500 teams) and 12000 $WLKN — if there are 150 teams. Don’t miss the opportunity to take your place among the teams in the first games and take greatest rewards!

ℹ️ The rainbow-eye timer for CAThletes obtained in update 1.14.9 has been reset. CAThletes without rainbow eyes won't be registered for the Games as captains starting Games #124.


With this update, we’ve adjusted WLKN rewards in all duel and clash tiers. Now the break-even win rate is 50% instead of 45-49% (depending on the reward tier) as we’re channeling the $WLKN covering this 1% into Tournament rewards.

These changes in Walken are a strategic effort to evolve the gameplay, focusing on rewarding the most engaged players. Emphasizing PvP interactions, aiming to enhance the competitive aspect of the game, this update reflects our commitment to deepening the gaming experience for dedicated players and fostering a more dynamic, engaging competitive environment.

Though change may seem challenging at first, rest assured that careful thought has ben put into them to ensure that they enhance the game’s balance and competitiveness, opening up the next chapter of our journey.

We want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of the Walken community. Your feedback and dedication have been invaluable, and we’re excited to continue this journey with you!




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