Can a Small Rural Community Save a Vietnam Vet from Homelessness? John’s Story-part 4(#Home4JohnandLexi)

Brenda (B.K.) Walker, MHA
4 min readAug 23, 2017


(photos by: Dee Santana) Front Porch of the Tiny Home and Side view of the front porch

As the small rural community of Rockwood/Roane County Tennessee continues its efforts to keep a Vietnam Vet from homelessness, it appears a “Tiny Home” has made its way to the area. Though, when it hit town, it may not have made it to its final resting place, many feel it is still a huge step forward in this community’s endeavors.

(photo by: Dee Santana) Side view of the Tiny Home

There has been a big push in the “Tiny Home” movement over the past several years, but many states still struggle with restrictive legal issues that are part of county, city, and state codes/laws. These restrictions make it nearly impossible to place one “Tiny Home” on a piece of property, let-alone build a “Tiny Home Community.” Tennesseans have faced many of those same battles across the state as they have attempted to place “Tiny Homes” within their neighborhoods.

Like any other county/city/state, Rockwood and Roane County officials are bound by legal restrictions already on the books that govern their decision-making process. It is nearly impossible to make a decision that pleases everyone, certainly not when, as a city leader, you are required, by law, to adhere to a specific set of codes and by-laws. Then there are the desires of the people city leaders represent and are inherently responsible to. It can be a precarious situation for county/city representatives to be in, especially with the topics of “Tiny Homes,” Veterans, and solving the homeless problems in rural America.

What may be the greatest influence in this case is the strength and conviction of this community to help one another. As the weeks have continued to drag on, the community has openly discussed their thoughts via Facebook posts on Roane County Patriots for John and What’s Happening Now in Roane County. Although not everyone is thrilled with the concept of a “Tiny Home,” it is clear everyone participating in the conversations want to see John and Lexi in a safe environment…well taken care of…and most of all…HAPPY.

(photos by: Dee Santana) Inside view of the Tiny Home

Every day I scan through these two pages, despite the common bantering that takes place on most everyone’s Facebook page (you know if you have one, you don’t always agree with even your closest friends), there remains a common thread intertwined within the conversation…COMMUNITY. Further, the citizens of Rockwood and Roane County continue to evidence that they are not only a GIVING community, but a CAN-DO community. They don’t wait for someone else to hand them answers to questions.

I followed a string on Facebook between a few of the ladies questioning the legality of placing the “Tiny Home” in Rockwood. It was clear that they were aware of likely issues, but rather than “waiting” to see, they did some digging on their own. Though they could not be certain, they did find answers…yes, there could be problems…but, there still might be a way to make this happen.

And THAT my friends, is how Rockwood/Roane County rolls! They have faced plenty of adversity as a small rural community and they are still here…still working to keep the lights on, still educating their youth, and still trying to grow their economy.

UPDATE: Shortly after posting this article (on the morning of 8/23/2017), a Facebook post was made (early evening on the same date of this posting) on the Roane County Patriots for John page …

Screen capture of the post to Facebook

UPDATE: In the same Facebook thread, a fine citizen stated that she did have a place for Mr. Franklin to temporarily place the Tiny Home. Upon reviewing the Roane County Patriots for John page this morning, it was noted that the entire thread involving needing to move the Tiny Home had been deleted. Fortunately for all of us, nothing is ever gone from the internet and the entire thread was, indeed, caught by me, copied, pasted, saved, and printed…

Curious why the conversation would have needed to have been deleted?

Stay tuned…I will do my best to let you know the outcome of John’s story and how all of this affected a small rural community in Tennessee~



Brenda (B.K.) Walker, MHA

Virtual Services Provider & Published Author: Copywriter | Editor | Ghostwriter-Age & Experience all wrapped up in one — This is a Bullying Free Zone~