
walkerjo lee
1 min readJun 7, 2016


fear of the unknown…tomorrow…propels me…to vomit…my emotions…my confessions…my pains…everyday…on paper…because…when i die…i won’t die in silence…because…when i die…people will know your name…people will know what you did…i won’t die in silence…you won’t die in peace…i won’t take my last breath…afraid…of the you…that victimized me…regardless of what i wore…the words i spoke…my cherry wine lips…my thighs preparing for motherhood…my hair done up…i am who i desire to be…i am not made for you…i am whatever i choose…i travel by day…night…when the world sleeps…arise…i am not to blamed…for your insecure ways…your fragile maleness…you have to earn being a man…my “NO!” shouldn’t awaken the criminal…in you…i am not afraid…i am your crime…you are a criminal…my yesterdays…cannot make me deserving…of what you stole from me…today…fear of the unknown…tomorrow…propels me…to vomit…my emotions…everyday…on paper…because when i die…they will all know…i wasn’t asking for it…that i didn’t beg for…violation…that i wasn’t afraid…you were…of my choice…to not choose you…

*in power. in peace. in honor. to the ones. that continue. standing. in their “NO!”*

