walkerjo lee
2 min readJul 9, 2016




it could be simple

oh so simple

or more simple

if we could see our similarities

our connected-ness

this is why Black Lives Matter

this is why ‘no’ means NO!

this is why women’s rights are still important

this is why the rights of the queer community are important

this is why the ppl that media sells as “savages” are important

you get sold one lie

you begin to buy them all.

we can’t cycle hate

& expect less homicides

more peace

more love.

if some of us aren’t safe

none of us are safe.

if we can’t love one group of people

we cannot pick & choose the next group of people that we choose

to give a damn about

if we decide to feel

and we decide not to feel.

“that’s, them”.

if some of us are being restricted /targeted / denied our civil rights &/or liberties

it becomes all of us / at some point / being restricted / targeted / denied our civil rights &/ or liberties

this is a human issue

humans have a right to live

humans have a right to live

humans have rights

and this ain’t living

in fear

this ain’t living.

regardless of everything under the setting Sun

when we reach a point in our societies where we as a humanity

make decisions to take lives that we didn’t give

and find justification for murder

based on “systems”

we need a major reconstruction

beginning w our elite

it could be simple

yet it is not

hate is now a religion

love is not.

we’re probably just going to change our profile pic into special colors

light candles

& pray

or self-medicate

it’s what we do best

so that we do nothing at all

and feel justified in our apathy

because we haven’t finished grieving

the last event that was worth our specific grief

events that steal souls.

we are the districts.

it’d be safe to say

we are not given proper time to grieve

any longer.

this is how you desensitize a people

this is how one evoke a war

cycle trauma after trauma

find justification in every death

don’t prosecute the people that are clearly committing crimes

make the victims deserve their bullets


because they should have been this way / or that / here / or there

they are their own fault

they were murdered

create civil unrest.

if one of us is murdered / we are not livid / intentionally indignant / mourning life. body. soul. spirit. energy. & aura.

another of us is murdered / & you are livid / intentionally indignant / mourning life. body. soul. spirit. energy. & aura.

you have shown your own teeth

all humans don’t have the same rights

in your heart of hearts.

this is a human rights issue

humans are born

they deserve to live


it could be simple

no fabricated category makes one less human

being another species makes one less human.



we’re all living matter.

that’s it.

it could be simple.

it is that simple.

