Day 40 — Voices a festival song

2 min readDec 3, 2015


Tomorrow, the Voices Festival of Song @ Esplanade will last throughout the weekend.

While running, I stumbled upon a group of people with cute girls! setting up a stage with spotlights, good music.

I went down and ask the crew, what it is about? “It will be for people to sing karaoke on the public, and we will start tomorrow” says the girl. Another girl added, “you should try it, you’ll be our first”.

I was flabbergasted, and did not know how to react. “You really should we’re doing sound check anyway”, says the other girl again.

At this point I was very sweaty but hell with it, I’ll do it. I tried to pick a new Justin Bieber song like Sorry and they don’t have it. So I opted for a classic, Baby.

As the intro was playing one of the girl crew (around same age as me) on the stairs started taking a video, a group of people came from the front and my left. Nervous at this point.

I started singing and they left 1 by 1, the girl stopped recording. I was so out of tune :p

I decided to finish the whole song. because real men closes things. I walked through the verse, chorus, bridge, high notes, and even rap part! dancing along because I enjoy how badly I am singing and seeing the grin from those crew members.

It was fun. In the end the crew enjoyed the thing and ask me to come back tomorrow (so polite!), As I finished to resume my running, I said goodbye and asked them to have a good day. The lady who took a video was smiling hugely and we had good eye contact with each other.

As I was leaving i heard “It was amazing, he was so into it.!”, I guess that made my all of our day!

You can check out more details @

