Day 73 — You make me want to dance

2 min readJan 5, 2016


Headphones is a part of me, before going to work it is attached to me and till going to sleep, It is always by my side. When sad I listen to it, when happy I dance with the beats, sometimes I sing along, sometimes to tell that I want to be alone, and occasional eavesdropping :p

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Today I sung along while walking. Usually people look at me like crazy (which I am), people smile (which I love), people encourage (rock on bro!).

While singing on the streets, I passed by a Starbucks and decided to get something cool, It’s hot and I still have 30 mins more to go. I opened the door and a light instrumental music greeted me, but being the crazy guy I decided to continue singing Love Yourself (JB). Surprisingly, the barista started singing along with head shaking along, we sung for about a minute and laughed, the person taking the order in front of me gave a smile.

Something similar happened later. I went to buy groceries, I was singing along while the lady was scanning my items and a bit of dance, I paid. The cashier gave my change, looked at my eyes and said “You make me want to dance”. I looked back at her. Smiling back as I walk away, still singing.

Not all people will not accept you for who you are. Keep going it brings out satisfying results

