WalkN App Testnet and Launch updates

3 min readAug 28, 2022


Dear WALKNers, first of all, we sincerely apologize for delays in updating you regarding our progress. Unfortunately due to technical items and a couple of developers being on leave due to unexpected reasons, we progressed slower than expected in terms of app release as well as deploying contracts on testnet for our WALKN App beta testers.

Nonetheless, we’re back with full force and we’re ready for WALKN App testing and launch irrespective of current market conditions. Here are key updates that every WALKNers need to be aware of:

1. Preparing Beta testers for testing: In order to test WALKN APP, one need WALKN and STEPS tokens on BSC testnet. $WALKN token is already audited so we have initiated auditing of STEPS token contract and expecting the audit result by early Sep. We’re confident that there won’t be any bugs or issues so we’re aiming to deploy STEPS contract by second week of Sep on BSC testnet and airdrop $STEPS tokens to all eligible beta testers. We will airdrop $WALKN testnet tokens in 1st week of September itself to expediate the process as its already audited.

2. WALKN APP Beta Release: As mentioned previously we had some GPS issues with app which were causing app crash whenever walking was chosen. This issue has been resolved and WALKN APP has passed all our internal testing and ready for release to its beta testers by mid Sep. So, if all goes as planned, then we should finish testing and improvements by end Sep and then right after that, WALKN App will go live!

3. WALKN in-app Marketplace: WALKN In-app marketplace is key to WALKN’s financial sustainability. So, we are adding more resources to expedite release of this features so that users can trade their NFTs within the app itself. This would help us increase user experience and we’ll generate more cashflow to buyback and burn $WALKN tokens. We’re aiming to get this feature out within one month of app release on Mainnet i.e., Oct.

4. Partnerships and CEX listing: We’re working behind the scene to find strategic partners and build solid partnerships to fuel our growth in 2023. This activity is time consuming as it needs several discussions to agree on partnership terms. We have build a good pipeline of potential partners and will be announcing one by one soon. Regarding CEX listing, we’re aiming for Q4'22 once WALKN App and In-marketplace is live. This is to ensure that when we get exposure to CEX community, we have enough features to cater to mass and more ways to capture value by WALKN and its community.

Once again, we appreciate your support and apologize for delays in updates. Going forward, we’ll keep you updated more often and continue working to build a self-sustainable M2E product for our community.

About WalkN App

WalkN App is a Move2Earn project connecting the blockchain world with real world sports events. Walk, jog or run with WalkN app and earn while you get stronger EVERYDAY!

Social Media


Media Contact:

E-mail: Info@walkn.app

Website: https://walkn.app/




WALKN — is a web3 fitness app that integrates #MoveToEarn mechanism through activities like Walking, Jogging & Running #M2E #step #walk #move2earn #walk2earn