Trans(ition) Update: 2 months on T

Andy Waller
2 min readNov 1, 2019


It’s amazing to think it was less than three months ago that I came out to all my friends and family as Trans. Since then, I’ve been incredibly in my own head. These past few months have been some of the most inward-focused, soul seeking, and in many ways — affirming of my life.

After struggling for more than a decade to find the words to match what I’ve long felt inside, I’m starting to find these right words.

Trans enough. Non-binary trans. Mapa. Gender Divergent. FTX.

My fam on Halloween.

And along with words, are so many other things that have felt right, have felt good.

I am not one to sit still, and I don’t think any of the people who know me best would ever describe me as patient. When I want something, I can become extremely driven. I can get a lot accomplished in not a lot of time.

My Transition timeline:

August 9th: Came out as Trans

August 30th: First T Shot

September 19th: First (truly) gender affirming haircut.

September 30th: One month on T: Sweatier/Hungrier/Hornier.

October 1st: Announced my “new” name to Friends & Family.

October 9th: Meeting with HR to discuss delivering information to bosses and staff about my transition.

October 11th: National Coming Out Day, announced publicly, that I’m on Testosterone AND came out as Trans/on HRT to boss.

October 19th: Attended an Empowerment & Info conference for Trans folx.

October 25th: Email sent to co-workers letting them know about my gender, transition, and correct name/pronouns.

October 30th: Two months on T: Less horny. Still super hungry. A little zitier. Mooooody.

I’d really hoped I’d be one of the lucky ones and not be too afflicted by moodiness, a shorter temper, or agitation. Unfortunately, I’ve been experiencing all of these. Remember that thing about patience I mentioned before? Yeah, I’ve never been a patient person — but now, my level of patience in almost all situations is at an all-time low. Trying to rock my fussy toddler back to sleep? Painful. Stuck behind a slow driver? Agony. Listening to an extra long-winded stranger tell me their life story on the phone at work? Torture. I’m looking into — and working towards — ways to cope and alleviate some of this stress and moodiness.

At the end of the day, I cannot ignore how much I have accomplished in just a few months. A lot of big stuff has been tackled, and I’m super fucking proud of that.

2 months.



Andy Waller

Nonbinary/Genderfluid. Trans. Queer. Parent. Spouse. Lover of dogs, coffee, and occasional kitchen dance parties.