Introducing Walletano-Email-to-Lightning: Seamlessly Connect Your Company Email Accounts to Lightning Addresses

3 min readMay 31, 2023



In today’s digital landscape, embracing innovative payment solutions is essential for businesses to thrive. The Lightning Network has emerged as a game-changer for fast and low-cost transactions in the world of cryptocurrencies. Walletano, a cutting-edge platform, now presents a groundbreaking feature called Walletano-Email-to-Lightning. This powerful script, together with Walletano wallets, enable businesses to effortlessly convert their company email accounts into Lightning Addresses, opening up new possibilities for accepting Lightning Network payments directly through their own email addresses.


What is Walletano-Email-to-Lightning?

Walletano-Email-to-Lightning is a script that allows businesses to create Lightning Addresses for their email addresses associated with domains they control. Whether it’s or any other email address linked to your company’s domain, Walletano simplifies the process of generating Lightning Addresses, enabling businesses to receive Lightning Network payments seamlessly.

How does it work?

The Walletano-Email-to-Lightning script follows the protocol described on the official Lightning Address website ( and leverages specific luds from the lnurl GitHub repository ( By integrating this script into your webserver and configuring it correctly, you can unlock the power of Lightning Network payments for your business email addresses.


To get started, you’ll need to clone the Walletano-Email-to-Lightning Git repository to a folder in your domain’s document root. This can be a custom folder name of your choice, such as “lnaddresses.” Depending on your server setup, you’ll need to follow the appropriate instructions for Apache or nginx configurations. Walletano provides step-by-step guidance for both scenarios to ensure a smooth installation process.


It’s important to note that Walletano-Email-to-Lightning works with email addresses where you have control over the associated domain name. It won’t function with email addresses from free mail services like Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail.

Testing and Configuration

Once the installation is complete, it’s crucial to test the setup to ensure everything is functioning as expected. By accessing a specific URL in your browser, you should receive a JSON response containing a callback URL and metadata. Walletano guides you through this testing phase, allowing you to verify that your Lightning Addresses are generating properly and ready to accept payments.

Claiming Your Wallet

To access the funds received through your Lightning Addresses, Walletano uses email verification. They will send a link to the email address associated with your desired lightning address, allowing you to claim the wallet and securely manage the funds. It’s crucial to check your email address, including the Junk and Spam folders, and claim your wallet before actively promoting your lightning address to ensure seamless fund utilization.


Walletano-Email-to-Lightning introduces an innovative solution for businesses seeking to integrate Lightning Network payments seamlessly into their operations. By converting company email accounts into Lightning Addresses, businesses can harness the power of fast and cost-effective transactions. With Walletano’s user-friendly script, installation instructions, and robust security measures, embracing Lightning Network payments has never been easier. Unlock new possibilities for your business and explore the benefits of Walletano-Email-to-Lightning today.




Walletano is a web-based app (PWA) that provides an easy and convenient way to manage your Bitcoin and Lightning Network wallets.