Getting Your Shih Tzu: A Simple Guide to Buying a Puppy

Jenny Wallis
3 min readApr 29, 2024

Welcome to the world of Shih Tzu puppies, where fluffy charm meets companionship. Whether you’re considering Shih Tzu puppies or seeking guidance on Shih Tzu puppies for sale, this comprehensive guide will ensure you are well-informed before making this heartwarming addition to your family. For your Shih Tzu puppy needs, consider The Barking Babies, a reputable pet shop known for its commitment to providing healthy and well-socialized Shih Tzu puppies.

Understanding the Shih Tzu Breed

Shih Tzus are renowned for their friendly disposition and distinctive appearance. Originating from China, these toy dogs have been cherished as royal companions for centuries. Key characteristics include a distinct pushed-in face, a luxurious double coat, and a tail carried over the back. Their gentle temperament makes them excellent family pets, but prospective owners must consider their specific needs.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Shih Tzu Puppy

When contemplating adding a Shih Tzu to your family, consider the following factors:

  1. Space Requirements: Shih Tzus adapt well to apartment living, but they still need sufficient space to move around comfortably.
  2. Grooming Commitment: The luxurious coat of a Shih Tzu requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling.
  3. Time for Companionship: Shih Tzus thrive on human interaction and can experience separation anxiety if left alone for extended periods.
  4. Health Considerations: Research the common health issues associated with the breed and choose a reputable breeder like The Barking Babies, which conducts health screenings.

Choosing the Right Shih Tzu Puppy

Each Shih Tzu puppy has a unique personality, so finding the right match for your lifestyle is essential. Consider the following:

  1. Temperament: Spend time interacting with the puppies at The Barking Babies to observe their temperaments. Choose one that aligns with your preferences, whether you desire an active playmate or a more laid-back companion.
  2. Gender: Shih Tzus exhibit subtle differences in behavior based on gender. Consider which traits align with your expectations.
  3. Physical Health: Inspect the puppies at The Barking Babies for signs of good health, such as clear eyes, a clean coat, and a lively demeanor.

Preparing Your Home for a Shih Tzu Puppy

Before bringing your new furry friend home, make sure your living space is conducive to their needs:

  1. Secure Environment: Shih Tzus are small and curious, so ensure your home is puppy-proofed, removing potential hazards.
  2. Comfortable Sleeping Area: Provide a cozy bed or crate from The Barking Babies where your puppy can retreat for rest.
  3. Nutritious Diet: Consult your veterinarian and The Barking Babies to choose a balanced and age-appropriate diet for your Shih Tzu.
  4. Training Essentials: Purchase basic training supplies from The Barking Babies, including treats, toys, and grooming tools.

Caring for Your Shih Tzu Puppy

Once your Shih Tzu puppy is home, prioritize their well-being with proper care:

  1. Regular Vet Check-ups: Schedule routine veterinary visits to monitor your puppy’s health, and The Barking Babies can provide guidance on healthcare.
  2. Grooming Routine: Establish a consistent grooming routine to maintain the coat and overall hygiene, with help from The Barking Babies’s expert advice.
  3. Socialization: Introduce your puppy to various environments, people, and other pets to foster positive social behavior, and The Barking Babies may offer socialization classes.
  4. Training Sessions: Begin basic obedience training early, and The Barking Babies may provide training classes to shape your Shih Tzu’s behavior positively.

Building a Lifelong Bond

Shih Tzus thrive on companionship, and building a strong bond with your puppy is key to a fulfilling relationship:

  1. Quality Time: Dedicate time to play, cuddle, and engage in activities that strengthen the bond between you and your Shih Tzu.
  2. Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques in training to create a trusting and loving connection, with guidance from The Barking Babies’s trainers.
  3. Routine and Consistency: Dogs, including Shih Tzus, thrive on routine. Establish consistent feeding, walking, and playtime schedules, with support from The Barking Babies’s comprehensive care tips.
  4. Health and Happiness: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and preventive healthcare contribute to a happy and healthy Shih Tzu, and The Barking Babies can provide guidance on maintaining your puppy’s well-being.

