Driving Licenses, Traffic Accidents and Casualties Analysis

2 min readMar 22, 2020


In Saudi Arabia, a traffic accident happens every minute, Many people die every day due to traffic accidents and causes many fatalities and injuries.
By taking a look at the number of traffic accidents and driving licenses issued in Saudi Arabia, the goal is to analyze these data and get insight to give reasoning about a number of accidents behavior over the years and in each region.

Problems statement

The project to study traffic and accident in SA at some regions along years (1993 to 2017) it two data set describe the driving licenses and traffic accidents.

Some important plotting which shows the correlation among different factors

So that. the above bar explains the number of the accident occurred in 2016 and 2017, the more obvious one is that Makkah had the highest number of accidents two years in row 2016 and 2017. that could be explained by the lack of maintenance on the roads. The sources stated, mentioned that the nature of its terrain, the narrowness, and decline of the roads,
and the reception of millions of pilgrims throughout the year is a heavy burden on its roads and streets.

Conclusion and recommendations

  • It is recommended to add a feature that describes the reason of the accidents for example number of population in a specific city, the reason of this the region has more traffic than over other regions, high speed of the cars, or damaged road Etc, so we can reduce the causes of accidents.
  • Awareness of social campaigns is important to remind people that they must obey the rules to avoid any loss, and increase more polices cars to deal with the traffic and accident.

Thank you for reading…. SAFE DRIVING

