Death knell for the upper middle class

White collar automation and extractive economic policies pose an existential threat to the upper middle class. In order to survive, the upper middle class needs to comprehend their position within the economy and find solidarity with the poor and working class.

Walt D
14 min readNov 18, 2018

The new, new deal

The post war era saw an unspoken alliance between the capital class at the top of the economy, and a class of well educated technocratic professionals.

As part of the deal, the technocratic professionals would manage and run the economy for the benefit of the capitalist class. In return, the capitalists would share enough of the spoils to propel those technocratic professionals into a prosperous upper middle class. This may not have been an explicit deal signed on a piece of paper or sealed with a handshake, but it is evident in the structure of the modern economy.

Billionaires can’t deliver babies.

There is a lot of dirty work in the actual running of an economy, and billionaires are famously adverse to getting their hands dirty. In order to keep those well manicured hands clean, this class of well educated professionals were enlisted to do the work of the day to day management of the economy.

