Top 5 modern business solutions

Walter Mendez
4 min readSep 9, 2020


The business world is changing constantly and is improving faster than ever with new technologies, tools, and unlimited online possibilities. Traditional business ideas are long forgotten and when we talk about modern business and modern solutions — we are not looking at the present but on the day after tomorrow. So what are those modern business solutions today?

  1. Data collection with proxies

You probably know already that knowledge is power and that knowledge can be reached only if you have enough data. Every business gathers data so they could find new opportunities, reach their target audience, find new ways of communication, etc. But this process isn’t easy and requires high-quality services such as scraping tools and proxies. Proxies here are very valuable since they not only hide your IP address and help mask your tool from detection, they also allow you to bypass geo-restrictions and firewalls while accessing the data you need to improve your business. Since the market nowadays is full of high-quality proxy services, there won’t be any problems to choose the best services for yourself, but I would recommend checking these:

- Smartproxy — over 40 million IPs, both, residential and datacenter proxies, great geo-targeting, and more than affordable prices so it’s a great option for small businesses as well as for global companies. You can check their offer here and if you will use coupon SMARTPRO you can get a 20% discount.

- GeoSurf — proxy market veterans. GeoSurf offers only residential proxies and has a pool of more than 2.5 million IPs. The proxy pool is smaller compared to Smartproxy, nevertheless, GeoSurf offers very high-quality and fast proxies for web scraping.

- Oxylabs — over 70 million IP pool and all the locations you can think of. They also offer datacenter and residential proxies so you can choose what’s best for you. Oxylabs prices aren’t the lowest but they definitely can meet all your needs and are one of the best services for business.

2. Sales funnel is a must

The first way to quickly grow your business is by building a sales funnel. One of the core concepts in the digital marketing industry is the sales funnel. While odd sounding at first, this single core concept can take a business from virtually non-existent and unknown to a multi-million-dollar marketing machine. The sales funnel as a multi-step, multi-modality process that moves prospective browsers into buyers. It’s multi-stepped because lots must occur between the time that a prospect is aware enough to enter your funnel, to the time when they take action and successfully complete a purchase. Sales funnels can help to automate your business, to scale and grow quickly and easily. Whether it’s a free-plus-shipping offer or a high-ticket coaching funnel, it’s important to build your automated selling machine to quickly scale and grow your business. If you haven’t done it yet, you should definitely start to implement this.

3. Strategic partnerships

Sometimes one company can’t do all the work and that’s perfectly okay because there is always a way to find valuable partners and work together to reach your goals. Of course, every partnership must found compromises to work together so both companies could benefit from this partnership but overall being an alone soldier in the war isn’t a wise move, and having a helping hand can make your work easier and more effective. Find a platform that’s reached saturation and use it to grow your business quickly.

4. Licensing deals

Doing licensing deals is a great way to grow your business without too much-added effort. If you have a product that you can license to others and share revenue, that’s an ideal way to grow quickly. Taking a popular or successful product and bringing it to a company with a large footprint can help you achieve market saturation quicker and take more opportunities taking the bigger part of the market for yourself.

5. Passive income streams

Growing a business takes significant effort. If you’re dealing with razor-thin margins, consider building passive income streams. This way, you don’t have to worry so much about keeping the lights on, so to speak. Passive income will afford you the opportunity to make mistakes and not have to lose your shirt. It’ll keep you in business and provide a basis to grow and market and scale quickly by giving you ample resources. This can be easily done in most of the business and this solution shouldn’t be overlooked because, in the long run, it can be something that would save your business if the things won’t go the way you would like to.

There is always a possibility to work with other companies that could help to implement various modern solutions to your business (in this case, your best option is to go with proxy providers, if you will use coupon SMARTPRO you can get a 20% discount.) but there are many of those solutions that every business can execute themselves and save valuable resources.

Many businesses in the world are only concentrating on where they are right now but tomorrow is closer than they think and these modern business solutions could guarantee them many tomorrows.



Walter Mendez

PHP developer and Data Scientist, keen to share his experience and knowledge