many people have been encouraging artists in many different ways with many different reasons to tell their stories or why and how they create their images but from a certain perspective there is another side to this that I see and I tell it here:

well telling your story can also be detrimental in some cases — if not to the audience — then perhaps to the artists attempting to tell their stories or at least the stories that they are encouraged to tell many people who supposedly know what others may wish to hear -

I am thinking of Jackson Pollock — who actually threw a fit after being filmed creating one of his abstract impressionist paintings — he felt like a phony or fraud describing himself with words that were used during the filming — or Rothko who seemed to be putting so much feeling and emotion into the words that he used to describe his work during the filmings and then went ahead and killed himself — perhaps reliving such feelings that one feels while creating an image is really not truly feasible since the expressions that you have are there when you are creating — but then are let out or expressed during the creation of the image and any attempt at either describing or even feeling those same feelings may leave you quite empty because the feelings have already been expressed and searching inside for the exact same ones relating to a particular image is like going into an empty classroom after the class has let out and attempting to recreate the feelings and emotions or even the discussion of the time while the class was there and engaged with the teacher -




Walter Paul Bebirian

ruler at Volord Kingdom — still creating whatever it is that I and the Kingdom are evolving into