the quintupling project

Walter Paul Bebirian
3 min readSep 4, 2017

For me now that I have solved the question that I had (or simply gotten the answer to the question that I had) about what to name the numbers I wanted to work with that were larger than trillions — :

this morning I wanted to know — HOW ARE NUMBERS LARGER THAN A TRILLION NAMED — so I looked it up and got this answer:

on the description here is mentioned that to the author this is incredibly useless trivia but on the contrary I find this information extremely useful and most important since without names for larger number how can we think in terms of larger than the names of numbers that we already have -

in other words — if — there were only a way to name numbers to thousands and no name for millions — then we would not either have millionaires nor would anyone aspire to accumulate that much wealth — the same goes for billionaires — and billions and now that the word trillion is becoming more entrenched in the daily language of many people are becoming more and more aware of such amounts existing and thus it becomes more possible for people to aspire to accumulate that amount of wealth -

go on to the word decillion and place that word in the consciousness and then everyday language of people and at that point in time people will definitely be aspiring to accumulate that amount of wealth -

even when scientists are examining the different parts of the Universe — without their conscious use of different larger numbers they most probably are limiting their thinking of just how old the Universe that they are observing as well as the earth actually are -

is there any reason that the Universe that our planet earth currently exists in should not be more than vigintillion years old?

why even the spell check is not aware of the name of such a large number and has underlined the word with red indicating that it is incorrect — how ludicrous that we should constantly be limited by so many thoughts and ideas of other people -

have we attempted to shrink the infinite down to our own mental limitations?

and then what I should call a project where the multiplier of the numbers that I was going to work with in this project was 5 — (the answer to that is quintupling) then I was able to place here “The Quintupling Project” and then move forward to focusing on and working with the numbers involved with such a project as I had originally done with:

“The Doubling Project”

the only difference being that now instead of


I am now working with a dollar that multiplies by five every day and so now I have:

“The Quintupling Project” set out for me to work with:

The Quintupling Project”

1. $1
2. $5

3. $25

4. $125

5. $625

6. $3.125

7. $15,625

8. $78,125

9. $390,625

10. $1,953,125

11. $9,765,625

12. $48,828, 125

13. $244,140,625

14. $1,220,703,125

15. $6,103,515.625

16. $30.52 Billion

17. $152.6 Billion

18. $763 Billion

19. $3.815 Trillion

20. $19.075 Trillion

21. $95.375 Trillion

22. $476.875 Trillion

23. $2.384 Quadrillion

24. $11.92 Quadrillion

25. $59.6 Quadrillion

26. $298 Quadrillion

27. $1.49 Quintillion

28. $7.45 Quintillion

29. $37.25 Quintillion

30. $186.25 Quintillion

31. $931.25 Quintillion

32. $4.656 Sextillion

33. $23.28 Sextillion

34. $116.4 Sextillion

35. $582 Sextillion

36. $2.91 Septillion

37. $14.55 Septillion

38. $72.75 Septillion

39. $363.75 Septillion

40. $1.819 Octillion

41. $9.095 Octillion

42. $45.475 Octillion

43. $227.38 Octillion

44. $1.137 Nonillion

45. $5.685 Nonillion

46. $28.425 Nonillion

47. $142.125 Nonillion

48. $710,625 Nonillion

49. $3.553 Decillion

50. $17.765 Decillion

51. $88.825 Decillion

52. $444.125 Decillion

53. $2.221 Undecillion

54. $11.105 Undecillion

55. $55.525 Undecillion

56. $227.625 Undecillion

57. $1.388 Duodecillion

58. $6.94 Duodecillion

59. $34.7 Duodecillion

60. $173.5 Duodecillion




Walter Paul Bebirian

ruler at Volord Kingdom — still creating whatever it is that I and the Kingdom are evolving into