When in Corporateland, do as the innovators

Walter Zantinge
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2016

I have seen innovation happen in the bank and i have seen people creating a fuss about the importance about innovation. Apparently both work independently from each other. The first one definitely gives the impression of making stuff that works for clients and while the other is about making the fuss work for you and the corporate culture.

Executing = Learning

I always thought executing does make someone learn fast (succeed or fail fast), but when you iterate (creatively) fast you are accelerating the cycle time of learning. But when you are in corporate most people tend to have learned a long time a go. So it is not a active learning environment, if that is the case practicing innovation will be harder since people are afraid to fail or afraid to learn new things. For changing the cultural mindset you need both to work together.

Corporate (good)rebel

In a environment where innovation is a subset of a change set by employee instead of higher management the world around you becomes suddenly one of the world of corporate rebels. It means your sensing and exploring the things that happen around you and your preaching the psalms of innovation. You basically see things while others dont. Its like see no evil hear no evil.

I think you need corporate (good)rebels to do stuff that others dont want to think about. Corporates need more people who can stay out of their comfortzone and are eager to learn new skills. But you also need managers that behave like this because they promote changes even if they havent thought about it. Challenge your co-workers and manager when conventional thinking, or introduce a new idea and never worry about being viewed as a troublemaker or getting in way over your head? Yup, you are a corporate rebel. If you want to know more about a corporate rebel i suggest you read:




Walter Zantinge

Jack of all trades, innovation, dyslexia, lean startup, fixed gear, my mind is like a rubixcube(my opinion is my own) I love innovation and anything around food