Create a Kick-Ass Shitastic Life with this Rx for Negative Thinking (Series Step 1)

Rx: Do Your Dirty Laundry

Wanauma Graham
Your Shitastic Life


Photo by: Erik Witsoe Source: Unsplash

I typically do laundry every week, on Monday. As the week edges on I remove my clothes each day and drop them in a specific spot in my closet — the heap. Sometimes I hurl them over and they land perfectly in the heap.


I do this all week until there’s a neat little pile of dirty clothes, socks, towels, and other stuff that earned its place in the heap until wash day.

That pile gets no bigger than I allow because I’m able to see my dirty clothes there on the floor, not stuffed in a laundry basket where things are out of sight and can get out of control! If any unwanted odors begin to creep up, I grab the pile and head straight for the wash, no matter what day it is. There’s flexibility in my wash day schedule when things don’t smell right. Hahaha.

What does dirty clothes have to do with anything?

Through coaching several people on how to shift from stuckness to success, I noticed there was a significant lack of awareness that their perspective about life, themselves, their experiences, other people, and the world they live in was hindering their success.



Wanauma Graham
Your Shitastic Life

Author of Fix My Sugar Habit, founder of #JourneyToFREE, and creator of Your Shitastic Life and Her Mark.