DNS Rebinding attack

3 min readFeb 8, 2023


DNS Rebinding is a method of bypassing Same Origin Policy by manipulating DNS resolution

How a general cross-origin attack is blocked by browser ?

Browser blocking cross-origin request

Here, the browser understands that the response page from attacker origin is requesting a page from other origin (i.e. from localhost)³. Since it is ‘non-simple request’ with ‘cross-origin’, the browser blocks the request by default.

In-order to access local server, we need to bypass SOP

Here comes DNS Rebinding to our rescue……

Attack scenario

DNS rebinding attack bypassing Same Origin Policy

At initial DNS resolution, the attacker.com resolves to². So, the browser sends a request to and receives attacker response.The attacker response might contain a fetch request again to attacker.com.Here, since the page from attacker origin is requesting a resource from attacker origin hence, same origin⁵.

While configuring the DNS server, the attacker will set the TTL(Time-To-Live) to small value (eg: 2sec)².

So, the browser while executing fetch request to attacker.com, it again asks DNS server for attacker.com resolution which now resolves to⁶ (attacker will set two A records in DNS server config).

The browser then executes the next request in the attacker page which is a DELETE resource request to Since it is a request to local host which is same origin as, the browser executes it without blocking.
The resource gets deleted⁹ 🔥

How can I spin up a DNS server quickly ?

You can use the application http://lock.cmpxchg8b.com/rebinder.html (source code also available)

Any other attack scenario ?

  1. Confusing Server-side infrastructure

2. Evading Firewall and accessing devices on Intranet through Internet

Constraints to attacker / mitigations for developer

1. If authentication is required

2. If SSL certificate present

3. If server verifies Host header

4. If a custom protocol handler (eg: chrome:// ) is defined and used to access local applications


Further Research

Originally published at https://void92.github.io.

