2 min readJan 5, 2024


“They say grief is the desperate need to express love, but no one to receive. Loss is the realization of the love of something after you no longer have it. The crossroad of all of this is love. They say love hurts, and I used to agree, but I am not of that analogy anymore, for love is nothing but love.

Many great individuals have spoken of love in different times and places, felt by all and yet given so many shades. You see, loss is only felt because of love. Grief is the same. So, the question remains: Why does such great energy come with great nothingness, which is what grief and loss are?

I thought being born into grief and living through grief would make it easier for me, but I now realize that it was never going to be easy. What good is it to feel grief over nothingness while I can feel love over everything I look around? Even when there is nothing, there is still everything. It’s amazing!

I understand things quantum-physically; energy is never lost, only transmuted. One loss of power transmutes that energy to another place, which is the law of cause and effect. Yet, the loss from what we can see is so much more significant that it clouds the bigger picture.

The million-dollar question is: how do I express love to everything around me in my day-to-day mundane life? For where there is love, nothing else can be.”




My name is Thia, a young and passionate writer exploring the chaos of the world through my storytelling.