Soviet deserter and 9 Japanese female prisoners of war, living in seclusion in the mountains for 19 years, resulting in the birth of 73 children

Sanxiang Chen
10 min readJun 25, 2022

How badly did the Soviet Union capture the Japanese female soldiers? These Soviet soldiers forced these Japanese captives to give birth to 73 children for 19 years to satisfy their selfish desires.

What kind of existence were the Soviet soldiers? And how did they end up?

In 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan, after which the Soviets walked into northeast China in three waves to take down the Japanese and drive them out of China in one fell swoop.

In the face of the Soviet offensive, the Japanese were defenseless and lost the first round, and after that, they were defeated by the Soviets.

In this way, the Soviet soldiers captured many Japanese women soldiers in this war, after which the Soviet Union transported many Japanese troops to the country, and countless Japanese troops were waiting for the final baptism.

But in the process of transporting them, there was a minor episode; one Soviet soldier took 9 Japanese female prisoners to hide in the mountains; after eight people were living in the mountains for 19 years, these female prisoners of war were also forced to give birth to 73 children.

So what happened in the middle? Why did they not resist in the first place?

First, let’s focus on December 1945, when the weather conditions were terrible. Snowy, plus the group of Soviet soldiers were escorting the Japanese prisoners of war to Siberia; the weather on the road was even worse than the inch, so the Soviet soldiers in the transport of Japanese prisoners of war directly lost on the way, only by the feeling to go forward.

But the helpless human sense of direction is not as good as animals, and they can not see the road ahead after the road; there is no way to take a step forward, even if rushing away is wrong.

In this way, this small unit and the front of the large forces lost contact, were left behind by the large parties, and the immense forces reduced losses and did not dare return to look for people left behind by them.

Meanwhile, the Soviet troops insisted on going forward and continued to feel their way. Finally, the accident came anyway, they inadvertently stepped on a mine that their forces had planted here before, and with an explosion, the whole squad suffered severe damage, dead and wounded, none of them were intact, which made the already small number of small troops even more miserable.
In the end, four Soviet soldiers left, two of whom were seriously wounded and on their last legs, and the POWs were also blown up in large numbers, and eventually only nine Japanese female POWs and a few male POWs were left in their small unit.

Seeing that everyone was about to be wiped out, the Soviet soldier realized that he had to find a way out of the situation and decided to let the least wounded soldier go out to look for the larger group so that he could come back to save them. The rest stayed where they were and waited because if they all went on the road together to look for the larger group, the wounded soldier would most likely bleed to death. Then these POWs would run away, and the mission given to them by their superiors would not be mission given to them by their leaders would not be completed.

In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, a Soviet soldier named Bozhnikov and two other seriously wounded soldiers were left behind to stay with the Japanese POWs and wait for help.

However, as time flies, the soldier who went out to look for the army but never returned, there is no news until the two seriously wounded soldiers died; the soldier did not return, perhaps he returned, but lost, can not find the way back, or he was in the process of looking for the army, has been beaten by the bad weather, no matter where the soldier is in the end, the end is only Bozhine Kov and a dozen Japanese prisoners of war.

After seeing the guards leave Bozhnikov, those Japanese male prisoners of war began to escape; at this time, Bozhnikov also did not have the strength to resist and could only watch them one by one from the front escape.

But to Brezhnev’s surprise, the Japanese women prisoners of war did not dare to escape and remained in place, which made Brezhnev happy.

Seeing this, Brezhnevkov also did not think about going back; after all, the male POWs ran away, and they would be punished for going back; it is better to hide for the rest of their lives.

Thus, after a struggle of ideas, Brezhnevkov decided to take the remaining nine female POWs and hide in the nearby forests to live his life in this untouched place.

After that, he took his gun and threatened the nine Japanese women POWs to go into the deep woods with him, and they didn’t want to die, so they obediently went into the mountains with Brezhnev.

After entering the mountains, they began to plan their lives afterward and built a small house by the lake, where nine people lived their own little lives.

Seeing this, you may think that it is all wonderful; the whole scene is very harmonious, but in fact, the heart of each female POW is dark tide, but helpless Brezhnevkov has a gun, these Japanese female POWs can only obey, not dare to say much.

In this way, Brezhnevkov, every day as his treasure, puts the gun in the most intimate place, even in bed, but also does not take it down so that these female POWs have no chance of escaping.

Every day, these female prisoners of war were Brezhnevkov’s slaves; they had to obey Brezhnev’s words, work for him and go out to find food; if the food they found were not tasty, they would be beaten one after another.

At night, Bozhnikov would start torturing and bullying them for his selfish reasons, without giving them a chance to breathe. Still, since Bozhnikov had a gun, they were too angry to speak out and obeyed Bozhnikov’s words, never refuting or arguing.

In this way, the nine Japanese women prisoners of war were like toys in the hands of Brezhnevkov, and they did what they were told to do. The word “plaything” could not be more appropriate to describe them, and eventually, they were forced to accept this fact; after all, in a deserted place can only take one step.

However, it is interesting to note that where there are women, there is naturally a “war,” and because Brezhnev was often with one of the female POWs and had fun with her daily, the other female POWs were upset and became jealous.

So in the following days, they began to show their talents. So half-heartedly, these female POWs became pregnant one after another, and all became mothers, making Brezhnevkov so happy that he never thought he could have so many children.

According to the data, during the 19 years they lived here, these female POWs gave birth to a total of 73 children, an average of about eight children per person.

But at the same time, happy, annoying things also came to mind; with the population surge, they are more and more food is not enough, can only let more female prisoners of war go out to look for food, whether it is cold winter or hot sun, they have to go out to look for food for the children and Brezhnikov, if the slightest disobedience, waiting for them is punching and kicking.

Of course, as women soldiers, they were not easy to bully, although, in the beginning, they were more submissive; as time went on, they had the desire to resist and did not want to be slaughtered in this way; after all, Brezhnev’s torture methods on them were increasingly cruel.

In this way, resentment piled up day after day, but because of the fear of the gun in Brezhnikov’s hands, these women prisoners of war could only think long and hard, not daring to act rashly, but only on the surface to Brezhnikov still obey.

Finally, as Brezhnékov abused them more and more brutally, even beating their children sometimes, this made them, as mothers, ultimately unable to bear it and began to unite against Brezhnékov.

But unfortunately, the first time they fought back, they were scared off by Brezhnevkov’s gun, but at this time, they did not retreat as mothers but began to plan the next fight inside.

In this way, these female prisoners spent the whole day thinking about how to steal the guns from Brezhnikov’s side to end the problem.

In the meantime, the women prisoners continued to go out daily to find food to keep their strength up so that Brezhnev could let down his guard.

Finally, the emperor heart, a Japanese female POW, saw the opportunity to steal Brezhnikov’s gun, and Brezhnikov reacted when it was too late.

In this way, the Japanese female POWs who got the gun turned over to the serfs and sang, taking care of their children at home and letting Brezhnevkov go out to find food and take care of their lives.

Overnight, these female POWs stood at the top of the biological chain, and Brezhnevkov became their slave, and in addition to taking care of these female POWs, Brezhnevkov was also responsible for helping them with their needs.

So it seems that the 73 children were not all forced to give birth, a large part of them were born willingly, but even so, these female POWs did not even think of letting Brezhnevkov go and intended to let him also taste the feeling of life and death.

Because these female POWs are soldiers, so they are also solid; plus the accumulated resentment, they have never been soft on Brezhnaykov, each time the attack is quite hard, the nose and face are the normal states of Brezhnaykov, even if Brezhnaykov kneeled and begged for mercy, these female POWs do not pay any attention.

He did not want to be tortured all day, so he had the idea of escaping, but he was afraid that the government would imprison him after he got out, so he was in a struggle.

For a while, Brezhnevkov did not know whether he should stay here and be tortured and emptied by the women prisoners of war or go out and be tried by the government.

Finally, under heavy hunger and torture, Brezhnevkov decided and discussed with his nine wives to get out of here and seek help from the local government.

The Japanese female POWs, who were not living as well as they could here, agreed with Brezhnikov’s idea. Finally, in November 1946, Brezhnikov came out of the mountains with his 9 Japanese wives and 73 sons and daughters and went to the local government to confess his guilt.

But because for a long time, the local government could not believe what he said. The provincial government thought about this matter only after Brezhnev explained his experiences over the years.

According to the recollection of the person who received the Brezhnikov family at that time, “At that time they were like a group of wild people, unclothed, and some of them were even unclothed, and after seeing the real thing, their eyes were glowing, and they wanted to swallow it in one bite.”

Afterward, as the police did not have the right to deal with the matter, they handed over the Brezhnikov family to the army. Finally, this Brezhnikov, who had spent 19 years in the mountains, was sentenced to 12 years in prison by the Soviet Union.

Nine Japanese prisoners of war and 73 children were returned to Japan only after a three-year-long negotiation between the Soviet Union and Japan, which was considered an excellent place to go.

No one could have imagined that a Soviet soldier could take 9 Japanese female POWs and live in the mountains for 19 years and give birth to 73 children, which is unbelievable no matter to whom it is said, but this is really what happened. At that time, this matter caused quite a stir. For a while, Bozhnikov became a “celebrity” in the Soviet Union and Japan, “and these Japanese female prisoners of war also became a strong presence in the eyes of everyone.

Finally, I still can’t help but sigh at the power of Brezhnevkov, originally just an insignificant little soldier, but by chance, they had nine wives and 73 children.

Looking at the experiences of the Soviet soldier and the nine Japanese female prisoners of war, we can easily find that sometimes life is forced to be the most heartbreaking; you can not choose their way of life, not to mention their future, it is sad, but the cruelty is that this is often the reality.

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