Maximize the Internet Speed to Enhance the Browsing Experience

Wang Chain
3 min readJan 25, 2017


In general, the standard average loading time for a website should not exceed 2 seconds. In most critical situation people can maximum stretch out to 20 seconds and afterward they would not even care to look into the website. The simple logic, which sets behind is the slow internet service. Two things would be ideal to do in such case. First, call your Internet provider and second, follow some below-mentioned procedure to get the positive results out:

Begin with a speed test:

Before digging into a technical procedure, It would be ideal to perform a speed test. This test will guide you on how much speed your connection is running. By comparison with your data plan, you would be able to find out whether you have exceeded the limit or genuinely, there is some issue with it. To run the test successfully you might need a flash and the test can run on

Confirm your connection:

Quite often people assume the wrong information in their mind. They find it difficult to differentiate between Megabit and Megabyte. 1 Megabyte is equal to 8 Megabit, so you need to verify that whether you have obtained your Internet service in bit or bytes. This will help a lot to use the service in a right and appropriate manner.

Reset Modem:

Most of the time due to some technical error modem/router gives a hard time to serve in a smooth manner. A simple reset procedure will help you to overcome the issue. The correct way to do is:

# Stop browsing the internet
# Look for reset button and with the help of sharp edge thin pin press it gently
# Let the modem takes its own time to configure unplug and plug in again the modem
# Enjoy your high-speed internet in Quebec afterward

Most of the modem automatically download firmware updates from the ISP, which save you time from getting it rectifying procedure.

Remove the Obstruction:

Internet router is a case sensitive and can’t handle the interference coming from other electrical devices in your home. Most of the routers are available in two different configurations. (2.4 GHZ), (5.8 GHZ). Ideally, people get a (2.4GHZ) router for the usage and the other home appliances and devices like mobile phones or microwave are of the same configuration. Either turn them off while using internet service or remove your router away from them. This will enhance your internet browsing experience.

Switch from WiFi to Ethernet:

Using wifi gives you the liberty to move around to browse but also become a valid reason for the interrupted service. On the other hand, ethernet gives you the stability of better connection and avoids potential obstacles. Yes, that’s true you have to bound around a specified space, but the brighter side is that there is no compromisation as far as the quality is concerned.

At the end:

For best internet browsing experience, implement up written points and see the difference you make in the journey from normal to high-speed internet.



Wang Chain

Wang Chain is a Sales Manager by professional and Writer by hobby. Currently, he is associated with Sinterix, a Canada based company providing phone service at