Dog Breeds Classification with CNN Transfer Learning

Shuo Wang
5 min readJan 7, 2019


Capstone project of Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree program.

Image Source:


In this project, I built and trained a neural network model with CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) transfer learning, using 8,351 dog images of 133 breeds. CNN is a type of deep neural networks, which is commonly used to analyze image data. Typically, a CNN architecture consists of convolutional layers, activation function, pooling layers, fully connected layers and normalization layers. Transfer learning is a technique that allows a model developed for a task to be reused as the starting point for another task.

The trained model in this project can be used by a web or mobile application to process real-world, user-supplied images. Given an image of a dog, the algorithm will predict the breed of the dog. If an image of a human is supplied, the code will identify the most resembling dog breed of that person.

This article will describe the technical aspect of this project from start to finish.

Load Datasets

The full dataset used by this project contains 8,351 images of 133 categories of dogs. The data is separated into three folders for training, validation, and test set. The load_files function from the scikit-learn library is used to import the datasets.

Detect Humans

Since we want to identify the most resembling dog breed for a person, a function needs to be written to detect whether a human face exists in an image. This project used a pre-trained face detector provided by OpenCV. Please note that the input image is converted to grayscale before it is fed into the face cascade classifier.

Detect Dogs

Similarly, a dog detector function is needed to determine whether there is actually a dog in the input image. A pre-trained ResNet-50 model is used in this project to detect dogs in images.

Keras CNNs require input images to be converted into 4D tensors, so some pre-processing is needed for the image data.

The ResNet50_predict_labels function takes an image path as input, and returns the predicted label of that image using the pre-trained ResNet50 model. The ResNet50 dictionary shows that labels between 151 and 268 are all dogs, therefore the dog_detector function can take advantage of this logic to determine whether the input image contains a dog.

CNN to Classify Dog Breeds using Transfer Learning

The full dataset has 8,351 dog images, which is not large enough to train a deep learning model from scratch. Therefore, transfer learning with VGG-19 ( a convolutional neural network that is trained on more than a million images from the ImageNet database) is used to achieve relatively good accuracy with less training time.

Bottleneck Features

The bottleneck features for the VGG-19 network were pre-computed by Udacity, and then imported for later use by the transfer learning model.

Model Architecture

The last convolutional output of VGG-19 is fed as input to the model. We only need to add a global average pooling layer and fully connected layers as dog classifiers.

I added two fully connected layers for better accuracy, and a dropout layer to prevent over-fitting.

Below is my model architecture:

Model Metric

Accuracy is chosen as the metric to evaluate the model performance. Since data is just slightly imbalanced, accuracy should be a proper metric to select a good model.

Train Model

The model is trained using the pre-computed bottleneck features as input. A model check pointer is used to keep track of the weights for best validation loss. When all epochs are finished, the model weights with the best validation loss are loaded into the VGG19_model, which will be used later for predictions.

Make Predictions

Finally, it is ready to make predictions. The VGG19_predict_breed function takes an image path as input, and returns the predicted dog breeds. The dog_breed_pred function is built on the previous one, and returns predicted results depending on whether a dog or a human is detected in the input image.


The accuracy of the final model on test dataset is about 73%, which is not bad. Originally, I trained a CNN model from scratch without using Transfer Learning, the accuracy was only 1.55%. Then, I created a CNN model using transfer learning and VGG-19 with only one fully connected layer, and was able to reach an accuracy of about 53%. Finally, I added a second fully connected layer to the classifier, and was able to achieve 73% accuracy.

When given an image of a dog, the final model predicts the dog breed. For example,

If a human is in the input image, it identifies the most resembling dog breed based on the person’s face.

Below is a picture of Basenji dog I found online. Does it look somewhat similar to the person above?

Image Source:

When the image does not contain a human or a dog, it will tell you that there is no human or dog detected. For example, if I provide a cat picture to the model, it does not try to predict its breed, which is expected.


Thanks to the transfer learning technique, I was able to train a model with relatively small dataset, and achieved pretty good accuracy. In addition, the model was trained within a short period of time, which is quite efficient. The main reason is we can reuse the weights trained by machine learning experts using millions of images.

The initial model was a CNN from scratch, which did not work well. It only reached an accuracy of 1.55%, slight better than random guess. I think it is because the size of dataset is relatively small, and the model architecture might not be well designed.

There are a few possible improvements for the model. First, the parameters of fully connected layers, such as number of layers, number of nodes, dropout percentages, might be tweaked to get better results. Second, using a different optimizer or evaluation metric may also improve model performance. Third, data augmentation could also improve the final model accuracy, as it will generate more training data.

