Embracing DevOps: Collaboration, Automation, and Scalable InfrastructureDay1: #90DaysOfDevOpsJul 10, 2023Jul 10, 2023
Control Flow in JavaScript: Exploring If-Else, Ternary Operator, Switch, While Loop, and Do-WhileIf-Else Statements: The if-else statement allows you to execute different blocks of code based on a condition.Jul 10, 2023Jul 10, 2023
JavaScript fundamentals: Variables and Data typesA variable is a container in which we assign a value to for storage.Jul 10, 2023Jul 10, 2023
Jenkins Project for Node.js: Deployment to Heroku with Slack and Email NotificationsIn this blog post, we’ll discuss the process of setting up a Jenkins project for a Node.js application. The repository for the project can…Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023
Deploying an App to Heroku Using Jenkins PipelineThis article provides a step-by-step guide on deploying an application to Heroku using a Jenkins Pipeline. The source code repository for…Jun 23, 2023Jun 23, 2023
Day 0/90: Writing Effective Git Commit MessagesCommit messages matter. They serve as a vital communication tool for developers, conveying crucial information about code changes and…Jun 22, 2023Jun 22, 2023
GitHub hook triggers / ngrok / Jenkins PipelinesWe will utilize ngrok, a software tool, to set up GitHub hooks. This tool allows us to expose our locally running port to the internet…Jun 14, 2023Jun 14, 2023
Integrating Slack with Jenkins for Real-time NotificationsIntegrating Slack with Jenkins allows you to receive real-time notifications in a Slack channel whenever a Jenkins job is executed. This…Jun 5, 2023Jun 5, 2023
E-mail configuration for JenkinsThese two reads are prerequisites to getting started with e-mail configuration and notifications :May 31, 2023May 31, 2023