Travel Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Trip

Want to be There
7 min readDec 30, 2019


Traveling should be exciting and enjoyable, especially if one’s intention is to see what the world has to offer. However, this experience can be turned into one frustrating, exhausting and sometimes painful string of events if some precautions are not taken. As one gets excited about going to a favorite destination, it is essential to consider some crucial factors when planning.

These pointers are also beneficial to people who travel for business purposes or work-related reasons. Following them will save you time, money and some of the horror travel stories that have been documented. Moreover, incorporating the remedies recommended will make you look forward to your next trip.

Rushing at the Last Minute

Whether one is traveling for the first or umpteenth time, trying to get things done at the last minute is never a good idea. Some people pack their bags an hour or two before departure time and then arrive at the inspection queue ten minutes before the gate closes and barely make it into the plane. Such an experience is exhausting, to say the least, and can cost money and much more, especially when one ends up missing the flight. It is essential to accommodate delays, processes at the airport and time taken to make any connections from one point to another when planning for a trip.

For example, if possible, pack travel bags 24 hours before living for the airport. Make sure that you arrive 30 minutes to one hour before departure time. Waiting at the airport can be boring and nerve-wracking. However, missing a flight and having to deal with the inconveniences will be worse by far.

Waiting to Weigh your Luggage at the Airport

Most people make the mistake of making assumptions about the size or weight of their luggage. These assumptions are mostly made based on the size of the bag, which is not the right way to go about this issue. A small suitcase may not necessarily be lighter than a big one even though size contributes to the aggregate weight of the luggage. The contents in one carry-on bag, especially if there are electrical gadgets, could weigh more than a standard suitcase. To avoid this mistake, ensure that the items in your luggage are necessary.

Additionally, after packing all the things you need, remove one or two items. It could be an extra coat, a pair of shoes or electrical gadget. Excess luggage can cost up to $200 for domestic and as much as $400 for international flights. Additionally, minimize the size of the travel bag as much as possible.

Failing to Do Proper Research

Some people are so excited about going to a destination that they forget to carry out some vital research. As an outcome, they end up realizing that they paid more than they needed to when purchasing some products, failed to consider some costs in other areas or negated some factors relating to the culture, customs, and practices of the people in a particular locality. For example, when traveling with Ryanair, one must check-in online before arriving at the airport. Failure to do so results in a £55 fine. As of May 2018, the company cut its check-in period from four days to 48 hours. If you are unaware of such a change, you will be forced to use the extra money, which could have been avoided.

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Regarding culture, a place such as Barcelona is full of pickpockets who prey on ignorant tourists. In an area such as Chile, a Heineken’s beer costs about seven dollars more than the local beer. It is essential to gather as much information as possible as about your destination. You can do so by reading other people’s reviews online, using travel agencies or using other trusted sources.

Failing to Do Personal Screening

In 2018, the TSA confiscated more than 3,957 guns at checkpoints, which was the highest level in history. Although carrying a gun to an airport may seem ridiculous and something that you cannot do, it is also important to note that fake guns also attract fines as high as $13,333. This category also includes other fake objects that appear real and categorized as dangerous. If you are looking to prank anybody in your trip, having a fake weapon at the airport should not be part of that list.

Being Comfortable at the Expense of Others

Long flights can be tiring, boring and sometimes uncomfortable, especially when using an airline that does not have a lot of leg-space between seats. As an outcome, making oneself as comfortable as possible is encouraged. However, you should not engage in activities that will invade other people’s comfort. For instance, you can loosen your long hair and let it flow but do not allow it to ‘spill’ over the seat and into the space of the person behind you. It can be annoying if their meal-table is set.

More so, removing your shoes and stretching into other people’s spaces may also land you in trouble. If you become a nuisance to other passengers, the airline’s crew has a right to remove you from the plane. Such an incident will not only affect you and the plans you had or even cost you money, but it may also cause a flight delay, which will affect others.

Failing to Balance Between Costs and Other Factors

I know that I have emphasized being sensitive to things or activities that increase travel costs more than necessary. However, this is not the only aspect of a travel preparation process. It is also relevant to ensure that saving money is not negatively impacting other factors such as time, your ability to relax and overall quality of your trip. If we could use Ryanair once more, the airline is cheap compared to other companies.

However, it arrives and departs in three airports in London, which are the Stansted, Gatwick and Luton airports. The Luton and Gatwick airports are about 28 and 29.1 miles away from Central London. However, Stansted Airport is about 48 miles from Central London. Thus, if you have to be in Central London due to one reason or another, you will have to use taxi or train fare which could cost you the amount you were trying to save or cost more than the amount’ you used for air ticket. It is worse if you have to make a connecting flight in London, as you could miss it due to the delay and inconveniences that come with distance.

Similarly, do not always go for hotels or residential areas that are away from the city center because they are cheap. The money used for fare could take up the amount you think you are saving. Additionally, accommodation within the city’s vicinity can improve the quality of your trip as you can always go back to the hotel to have some rest in the middle of the day before going on with other activities planned.

Cramming Too Much at Once

When people say that they would like to travel the world, they sometimes mean that they would not to pack a bag and move from one country to another in one long trip. Although this sounds adventurous, it may not be the best decision, especially if enjoying the journey is part of the goal as well. You have to know that different places have diverse climates and time zones. When traveling, one may lose time (due to differences in time zones), which can also be confusing. Various places come with their unique cuisines and cultures, which affect foreigners in one way or another. Exposing yourself to all these different changes at once could be detrimental to your health and your general wellness.

Additionally, making such long or extended trips means that one will spend a lot of time and money in the planes, trains and making connections from one place to another. Such a life is not only costly and tiring, but it also deprives you the pleasure of soaking in the experiences of a particular destination. It is important to note that after a trip is over, one is only left with the experience. Thus, if your time is split between trying to book the next flight to your other destination, researching about it and enjoying your current location, you might compromise on one or more of these aspects.

The best thing approach is to visit one destination at a time. If you have to make multiple visits, limit them to two or three countries. Take time to go to your home country and relax while letting the body to recuperate and regain its rhythm. If going back home is not an option, then stay in one location long enough to help the body recover.

Failing to Accommodate Change

The best planners will tell you that everything does not always go according to plan. Some events or circumstances can push you to make some changes at one point or another. It is essential to be ready for such situations both psychologically and materially. People who pack a bag and board the first plane they find departing without informing anyone in the name of being spontaneous or adventurous are not doing any favor to themselves or those who care about them.

Inform someone that you are traveling and have an emergency contact you can reach out to when you meet a challenge that you cannot handle by yourself. Do not insist on going somewhere or doing something that was part of your “to do” list even when all the signs are showing you that you should not go ahead with it. If a trip that you were looking forward to enjoying is cut short or delayed due to security reasons, weather conditions or otherwise, then be ready to make the needed adjustments.

Additionally, watch out for announcements or notifications that will alter your plans or process. For instance, airlines tend to make changes in their gates and terminals. Their aim is not to confuse passengers, but to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Since notification speakers in airports are usually not apparent, find a way of making sure that you are in the right terminal and standing at the right gate. Being at the wrong place can cost you a flight-ticket and other inconveniences.

Finally, ensure that you uphold quality over everything. Compare prices for different airlines, accommodation companies and other things you will need to enjoy your trip. Consider the quality of service given and get the best deals.

