Relaxing with Sama Vritti and Abdominal Breathing technique

Waqar Yaseen
2 min readJul 11, 2016


Everyone have some kind of fear at some point and we have to overcome to these situation instantly by doing these exercises, for instance we have had nervousness at interview or at the important meeting. The question is how we overcome to this situation? So we should control this by trying these exercises.

Sama Vritti Relaxing Technique

Choosing to take deep, regular breaths is a way to calm your autonomic nervous system, naturally reducing stress hormones in the body. It also helps focus your mind and can be used in meditation practice. And it’s easy to do! Even kids can learn how to do a practice like sama vritti, which can be done almost anywhere and reduces stress and anxiety quite quickly. Learn this method and then add it to your arsenal of calming techniques.

Abdominal Breathing technique

I perform this exercise while sitting in a chair:

  1. I sit comfortably, with my knees bent and my shoulders, head and neck relaxed.
  2. Breathe in slowly through my nose so that stomach moves out against hand. The hand on my chest should remain as still as possible.
  3. I place one hand on my upper chest and the other just below my rib cage. This will allow to feel the diaphragm move as i breathe.
  4. Tighten the stomach muscles, letting them fall inward as i exhale through pursed lips. The hand on my your upper chest must remain as still as possible.

Honestly, I was quite nervous and scared of the experience, I tried to calm myself down by telling that it’s good for me, it’s a break from the world and all the noise. After some sessions, I’ve started to notice the benefits of taking the time to observe the environment, breathe and relax. I’ve been doing this for 5 consecutive days i found it very relaxing after doing these exercises, though, i will always agitate my friends to try it out, just for three days and then quit if they don’t see the benefits.

