Improve Your Eyesight with These 12 Best Foods.

Waqas Khalid
4 min readJun 25, 2024


Don’t take your vision for granted, it is one of the most precious divine gifts you have. Taking care of your eyes doesn’t have to be hard. You should choose foods that are good for eye health.

Whether you’ve myopic vision problem or you’re to fighting eye strain, here are 12 foods to boost eye health.


Broccoli consumption has proven to be effective in vision health as it is known to contain indole-3-carbinol, lutein and zeaxanthin. According to a study by the American Optometrist Association, indole-3-carbinol found in broccoli can help to remove toxins from your retina. This reduces your risk for age-related macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes of vision loss in older adults. Lutein and zeaxanthin are protective for your eyes.


To keep your eyes healthy, you are to keep them sufficiently hydrated. Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which helps reduce your risk for dry eye, an uncomfortable condition that gets more common as you age.

For woman, it’s more important to eat salmon and other omega-3-containing foods that are good for eye health.


Carrots are one of the best foods for eye health. They are replete with beta-carotene, an antioxidant that your body uses to make vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for eye sight and defends against myopia (i.e., nearsightedness).

Carrots also contain lutein, another antioxidant. This one can help you lower your risk for Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

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Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are one of the best foods for good eyesight. They have vitamin E which is an antioxidant that protects our eyes from oxidative stress. Sun’s UV rays can cause cataract. Vitamin E also helps fight against these damaging UV rays.

An important thing to note here: While your body can synthesize some vitamins, you need to get vitamin E from food sources or supplements.


Kiwi contains lutein, the AMD-fighting antioxidant and zeaxanthin, which helps your eyes filter light.


Oysters contain omega-3 fatty acids and they’re also high in zinc. This gives you a healthy nutrient if you’re trying to fight AMD.


Recall Popeye the sailor and his spinach cans. This leafy green is also one of the best foods for healthy eyes. It is full of lutein which, as mentioned before, is a key component of ocular health. Spinach also has zeaxanthin.

To maximize antioxidant absorption, consume them with fat. You can eat spinach salad drizzled with olive oil which is rich in omega-9s and a bit of omega-3s.

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Eggs contain everything your eyes need, from lutein and zeaxanthin to zinc and vitamin A. Eating about two to four eggs per week on a regular basis may significantly reduce your risk of developing AMD.


Almonds and other nuts contain high levels of vitamin E, the antioxidant that fights AMD and cataracts.


Dairy contains both vitamin A and zinc, which are beneficial for your vision. Prefer the cultured variety when making your dairy choices, because yogurt contains probiotics. Studies show that these good bacteria might help with everything from allergic conjunctivitis to dry eye.


Beta-carotene, essential for vitamin A and eye health, is easy to find in oranges. Oranges also contain vitamin C, which helps combat AMD, cataracts, and general vision loss.

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Strawberries, with more vitamin C than oranges, help prevent vision loss, cataracts, and AMD, making them top foods for eye health.

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Waqas Khalid

A businessman by profession, with a keen interest in reading and writing articles on varied topics, including non-prescriptive health cures.